ArcGIS Pro

What’s new for Spatial Statistics in ArcGIS Pro 2.7?

With the release of ArcGIS Pro 2.7 on December 16th 2020, the Spatial Statistics team is excited to share with you the new capabilities we’ve added in ArcGIS Pro 2.7, ranging from out of the box Data Engineering tools to sophisticated statistical methods for analysis. Let’s explore each of the new capabilities and tools in more detail!

New Data Engineering Tools

Data Engineering is an integral and often the most time-consuming part of an analysis. The following new tools available in ArcGIS Pro 2.7 can help make your data ready for subsequent analysis!

New Spatial Statistics Tools

Examples of high and low association between blue and orange zones are shown.
Examples of high and low association between blue and orange zones are shown.

New Space Time Pattern Mining Tools

Time Series Outlier Visualization
Time Series Outlier Visualization in 3D with above fitted values show in purple and below fitted values shown in green.

For a complete list of all the new capabilities in ArcGIS Pro 2.7, see What’s new in ArcGIS Pro 2.7.

Message from Spatial Statistics Team

In 2020 so many things have changed; the way we work, interact and collaborate. However, this pandemic has also showed us that somethings never change like the dedication of the GIS community to make this world a better place and our team’s commitment to continue providing the tools our users need to be successful. We can’t wait to see how you leverage these new tools and capabilities in your analysis workflows.

Spatial Stats team picture
Spatial Statistics Team: Alberto Nieto, Ankita Bakshi, Carlos Osorio-Murillo, Cheng-Chia Huang, Eric Krause, Hu Shao, Jenora D’Acosta, Jie Liu, Lauren Bennett, Lynne Buie, Mark Janikas, Orhun Aydin, Ting-Hwan Lee, Xiaodan Zhou

About the author

Ankita Bakshi is a Product Owner and a Senior Product Engineer on the Spatial Statistics Team at Esri. With a background in environmental engineering and computer science, she is passionate about solving social, economic, and environmental problems with Spatial Analysis and Data Science. In her role, Ankita enjoys researching, finding solutions to build software, and loves creating video and written content to make the software tools more approachable and applicable to real world challenges. Outside of work Ankita enjoys going on hikes and dancing to Bollywood music.


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