ArcGIS Solutions

Utility Network Foundation Solutions Update

During the July 2022 ArcGIS Solutions release, our team updated Electric and Communications Utility Network Foundation solutions and Data Loading Tools. Solution updates include an enhanced data schema, revised network attributes, new asset groups and types, additional associations roles, and much more. Our Electric and Communications Utility Network Foundation solutions now include  a new powerful set of tools in the Utility Data Management Support (UDMS) toolbox.


General Solution Changes

Asset Package

Due to size limitations of the solution item, the asset package no longer includes sample data, a defined spatial reference and a service territory feature. If you would like to use the sample data with a configuration, you will need to export the Utility Network to an Asset Package and copy the D_Configuration and D_Rename  table from the provided asset package into your exported asset package.

Starting Map

When the solution is opened a Getting Started map is now provided with instructions on how to get started with the solution.


Electric Utility Network Foundation

Updates to the Electric Utility Network Foundation solution have incorporated feedback from our customers and focused on model improvements to better support a balanced three phase system. We spent the last year working with the Utility Network Community (UNC) to review their data model and incorporate their design and requirements into the foundation model. The sample data has been updated as well to demonstrate these improvements.

Below you will find details for many of the key enhancements to the model.

Locational and Functional Modeling

We have added the ability to model spatial features as a location item and contain functional items by adding an association role of containment to Electric Devices and ElectricLine asset types. The functional items are defined in the ElectricJunctionObjects and ElectricEdgeObjects tables. The functional non-spatial objects replace the unit and wire tables we previously provided, those tables have beeb removed in this update. The non-spatial wires are represented in both the EletricJunctionObjects and the ElectricEdgeObject classes. Using junction objects for wire reduces the number of system junctions generated. Using an edge object, that is only contained and not connected to any junction, generates two system junctions. Currently, we haven’t defined any connectivity between the non-spatial edges and non-spatial junctions, so they are only included in the network via a containment association. We are currently evaluating a connected non-spatial network by phase and would be interested in discussing with you.

Network Attributes

We evaluated the most used network attributes and how to improve trace performance and update subnetwork operations. If you are unfamiliar with Network Attributes, review this help topic. Utilizing In Line Network Attributes reduces the queries to the database and increase throughput. Due to limited space in the index, we are required to strategically consider how maximize the use of this capability.

Lifecycle Status

Device Status

Electric Device Operation

Phase Management

We have made the following enhancements to how to manage phase and use phase information in the model.


The field PhasesCurrent was renamed to PhaseChange to clarify how it is used in the model. A value should only be set in this attribute when phase is being changed and/or the object is a subnetwork controller.   This is only required when the subnetwork definition has been configured to propagate phase.

Including De-Energized Objects in a Subnetwork

We had many requests to include de-energized equipment in a subnetwork. To accomplish we modified the Electric_Operating_Status domain to include a value for Open, Traceable and the Phase Domains to include a bit that represents De-Energized, Traceable as a valid Phase.  An operable device can be set to Open, Traceable and its when the PhaseChange attribute is set to De-Energized, Traceable, this feature and downstream features, until a barrier is encountered, will be included in the Subnetwork or the trace results.

Asset Type Names

To avoid confusion and make it easier to identify items across voltage levels, an abbreviation of the voltage level was added to each device, such as Underground Fuse MV. In addition, when there are two different version of the same items, but one has a directional terminal configuration and is capable of being a subnetwork controller, we added a new asset type with a ‘– controller’ suffix. For example, an Overhead Cutout Load Break Fuse MV has a bidirectional terminal configuration, but an Overhead Cutout Load Break Fuse MV – Controller has a directional terminal configuration. Lastly, not only did we add a voltage abbreviation to transformers, but we added the abbreviation of the high side and the low side voltage with an arrow to show direction, such as Overhead Three Phase – MV->LV. In the case of a bidirectional transformer, the format of the arrow will be ‘<->’, such as Overhead Single Phase Step – MV<->MV.

Steps Transformers

With the new nomenclature, plus adding a series of three winding transformers, we merged the Step Transformers Asset Group with the Transformers Asset Group.

Low Voltage Services Device and Lines

A request we received was to be able to distinguish between low voltage secondary lines and service lines. A new Asset Group was added to the ElectricLine class, Low Voltage Service, with Asset Types for AC and DC overhead and underground lines. The ElectricDevice Low Voltage Service Asset Group was also expanded with some additional types.


We heard some feedback, that grounds can be shared, hence we need to model them in the structure network. New Asset Groups were added to both StructureLine and StructureJunction to model these shared ground assets.

Electric Structure to Wire Structures

A number of implementations of a utility network for electric have included a communication domain. We reviewed the list of items in both the communications and electric utility network foundations and for the common items, changed the name to Wire, instead of Communication or Electric. This will simplify the use of both of these domains in one utility network.

Modeling of Station

Most equipment in balanced three phase are located in stations. A number of new Station Asset Types were added to the device class.

Assemblies for Bays

For more detailed modeling on stations, we added a new assembly to model the bays. These are used to contain the devices located in a bay and used to display a bay ID or number.

Cable Pathways

Structure container feature used to contain a longer cable. These could be used to represent spans in a transmission system. 

Configuration Table

We added a large number of entries to the table to allow fine grain control of the output data model. We will be sharing additional blogs on the Esri Community pages over the next few months that will cover this topic.


Communications Utility Network Foundation

Network Attributes

As described in the section above, the Communication Network Attributes also have been adjusted and aligned with electric. In addition to those changes, we removed the NetworkLevel network attribute and attribute from the classes.

Structure Model

The structure model has been updated to align with the electric utility network foundation. This includes the prefix name change from Communication to Wire for some Asset Groups.

Configuration Table

The configuration table allows you to pick and choose different pieces of the solution that meet your organization’s needs. We have now added fine grain control of the output data model utilizing configuration table. We will be sharing additional blogs on the Esri Community pages over the next few months that will cover this topic.


What’s Next

Over the next few months, we will post a series of articles on the utility network community pages that will dive deeper into the models and how to use them for different system designs.  If you have any questions or would like to get more information on a topic, please reach out to John Alsup or Michael Miller.

Thank you

ArcGIS Solutions Team

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