Electric & Gas Utilities

What’s New with ArcGIS for Emergency Management, ArcGIS for Electric, ArcGIS for Gas and ArcGIS for State Government – December 2016

During the December 2016 ArcGIS Solutions Release 3 new Solution Products were added to ArcGIS, 27 Solution Products were updated and 1 moved to the mature lifecycle phase.

New Solution Products

Property Lister enables users to submit information about properties for sale or lease for listing in Site Selector.

Property Listing Reviewer helps organizations review and approve information submitted with Property Lister.

Water Quality Dashboard helps state agencies and other stakeholders track water quality monitoring efforts.

Updated Solution Products

Citizen Science Manager uses version 3.19 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript, honors filters on the comment table and squashed bugs.

Citizen Science Reporter and Health & Safety Reports added options for configuring appearance of the splash screen and text, options to restrict new reports to boundaries of features in a polygon layer, options to allow users to edit or delete their reports, filters on the comment table are now honored and support for attachments with comments on layers was added.  Now uses version 3.19 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript and bugs were squashed.

Common Operational PictureEvents Map Gallery and Historical Election Results Gallery uses version 3.19 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript and had sample data updates.

Election Polling Places, Early Voting, My Health Services and My Hazard Information added options for advanced searching and using a pushpin to set location.  The Plateau Theme now supports longer titles.

Election Results updated sample data.

Environmental Impact Public Comment and Events Permit Review added support for attachments with comments on layers, ability to configure how polling items should be sorted, ability to specify a URL parameter to open the application to a specific feature and can honor filters on the comment table.  Now uses version 3.19 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.

Hunting License Locator, Permit StatusRestaurant Inspection Results,  Trail Locator, and Water Quality Status were migrated to Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS.

Logistics Planning, Operations ResponseSituational Awareness Viewer added ability to create snapshots of location and supporting analyzed information, ability to add count to each tab, ability to save point and line locations, ability to provide multiple input locations for analysis, consolidated download information for analyzed inputs, redesigned UI and updated sample data.

Permit InspectionRestaurant Inspections and Water Quality Inspection updated sample data and schemas.

Photo Survey added an Operations Dashboard configuration to assist with monitoring progress.

Transportation 511 now supports grouping layers by renderer and has updated theme support.

Utility and Pipeline Data Model was updated. See the release notes for details.

Product Lifecycle Changes

Storm Vulnerability Assessment moved to the Mature Lifecycle Phase. 

About the author

Howard leads the Esri team developing ArcGIS Solutions for electric, gas, water, sewer, stormwater, communications, renewables, and district heating and cooling.

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