How sunsetting Python 2 affects ArcGIS

Do you remember what you were working on back in 2008?  You were probably very busy, and may have missed the announcement that Python 2 would sunset in 2015. It’s OK if you did miss the announcement because in 2014 the Python Software Foundation (PSF) decided to extend that sunset date to January 1, 2020.

Python 2 End of Life – January 1, 2020

Now the sunset is upon us, and Python 2.7, the last version of the Python 2.x series, will soon enter End Of Life status and will no longer be supported by the PSF.

Even if you haven’t been thinking about this until now, we have created a set of questions, answers and actions for you. This Q&A can help inform your decisions in regard to the Esri products you may have.

First thing to note: All the Python 2.7 code in ArcGIS will continue to work. Also, Esri will continue to support Python 2.7 in ArcMap, ArcCatalog, ArcMap extensions (including ArcScene and ArcGlobe, which are part of the ArcGIS 3D Analyst extension), ArcGIS Engine, and ArcGIS Server.

Here are detailed questions and answers to help you:

What Esri software and applications are affected by the end of Python 2.7 support?

This change affects the Python libraries and ArcPy site package in the following software and applications:

Is there a plan to move ArcMap to a supported version of Python (e.g., Python 3.x)?

No. However, with the ArcGIS 10.8 release, we are upgrading to the latest Python 2.7.x libraries available (currently 2.7.16). We also have plans to upgrade ArcMap to the 2.7.17 libraries when they are available.

Does this affect ArcGIS API for Python?

No. ArcGIS API for Python uses Python 3.x libraries and is unaffected by the end of Python 2.7 support.

Does this affect ArcGIS Pro?

No. ArcGIS Pro uses Python 3.x libraries and is unaffected by the end of Python 2.7 support.

Does this affect ArcGIS Enterprise?

Yes. ArcGIS Enterprise is affected via ArcGIS Server. ArcGIS Server contains both Python 2.7 and Python 3.x.

Please note that the Python 2.7 code will continue to work.

How long will Esri continue to support Python 2.7?

Esri will continue to support Python 2.7 in accordance with the relevant Product Life Cycles

What does Esri recommend customers using ArcMap, ArcGIS Engine and/or ArcGIS Server do?

With every end comes a new beginning and we have some new things for you.

ArcMap, ArcCatalog, ArcMap Extensions customers:

ArcGIS Engine customers:

ArcGIS Server customers:

About the author

Born in the desert, raised in the mountains, and became a Golden Shellback while serving at sea. I lead a team of highly skilled and extremely productive marketing professionals. Our mission is to help you reach your success.


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