ArcGIS Configurable Apps

Announcement: Deprecation Notice for ArcGIS Configurable Apps

As of the June 2023 update of ArcGIS Online, a deprecation notice has been issued for ArcGIS Configurable Apps. Deprecation does not impact the availability, functionality, and Product Lifecycle Support phase of ArcGIS Configurable Apps.

ArcGIS Configurable Apps continues to be available until it is officially retired, but will not receive new features or other enhancements. Before retirement, users are still able to create apps using ArcGIS Configurable Apps templates and existing apps will continue to work.

Retirement of Configurable Apps is expected to be in December 2025. Upon retirement in 2025:

During the time period between deprecation and retirement, users are encouraged to review apps built in their organizations using ArcGIS Configurable Apps and identify apps that need to be rebuilt using more modern technology, such as ArcGIS Instant Apps. If you haven’t used Instant Apps yet, refer to the documentation or the following resources to help make the transition:

To quickly check if your organization has any apps that were previously configured with the templates listed below, please use the CheckDeprecatedConfigurableApps script in ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Pro. The sample output looks like the image below.

Sample output of the Python Script
Sample output of the Python Script

A complete list of equivalent ArcGIS Instant Apps app templates is available in this deprecation notice article on the Esri Support site. Please read the deprecation notice for more information.

For Enterprise customers only

Most Configurable Apps have been removed in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0. However, Basic Viewer, Compare, Crowdsource Manager, Crowdsource Polling, Crowdsource Reporter, GeoForm, Image Mask, and Image Visit are still present.

We recommend Enterprise customers update to a later version of Enterprise 10.9.1 and above in order for customers to have access to more modern equivalent templates in ArcGIS Instant Apps and rebuild the replacement applications as shown below. The final version of ArcGIS Enterprise to include Configurable Apps will release in the first half of 2025.


About the authors

Princess was a senior product marketing manager for ArcGIS Online, Esri's flagship mapping and analysis software-as-a-solution tool. She is an alumna of the University of the Philippines and the University of Southern California. Aside from her experience in marketing groundbreaking technology products, she is passionate about sustainability and social equality.


Julia Shi is a Product Manager with ArcGIS Online. She has a passion for SaaS and web technology, as well as empowering customers success.

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