ArcGIS Blog

Constituent Engagement

A world tour of ArcGIS Hub sites

By Andrew Turner

Governments are undergoing an inspiring transformation to modernize and build open, responsive, and collaborative digital tools that support the decisions and lives of residents around the world.

ArcGIS Hub shares open data and apps from over 2,000 organizations around the world. It’s been exciting to see how local, regional and national organizations are using these tools to communicate and engage with their communities to drive positive change. More than just sharing open data, these innovative governments are also creating informative apps for residents to measure traffic, to measure their progress towards Ireland’s Sustainable Development Goals, lead participatory mapping of land tenure in Myanmar, and monitor financial budgets in Burlington, VT & financial spending in John’s Creek, GA.

World map of ArcGIS Hub sites
World Map of ArcGIS Hub Sites

We created a dynamic StoryMap that highlights Hub Sites around the world. Anyone can freely explore data from the metropolitan region of Paris, France to the country of Kenya to emergent events like Hurricane Harvey emergency response or any of the others from each of the six inhabited continents.

The ArcGIS Hub Around the World story map is populated automatically as new sites are made public. Sites are located on the map based on the organization’s ArcGIS Online configuration settings —which means sometimes they appear in odd locations. If you manage one of these sites, it would great if you updated your site configuration to accurately reflect your organization’s boundaries.

We will update this story map with new Hub examples as they come online – so please let us know about your great work and the story of its impact! If you’d like to see your site on our Hubs Around the World map, you can share your site and story with us by filling out this quick form.

You can also visit to take advantage of the ArcGIS platform’s open data capabilities and get started making your Hub today!

Visit ArcGIS Hub around the world!

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