ArcGIS Blog

Data Management

Esri Basemaps - 8 New Contributors, 13 Updates, 3 Countries!

By Shane Matthews

The ArcGIS Content Team is winding down the year with one last basemap release. Don’t be sad, we have a lot planned for 2017! Why not consider contributing to the Living Atlas one of those New Year’s resolutions?

This basemap release includes over 20 communities that have provided new and updated map layers to Esri’s Online Basemaps. They include Japan, the Catalonia region of Spain, and select cities and counties in the United States as seen in this Story Map.

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If you have previously used the World Topographic Map, you may need to clear your cache in order to see the updates.

If you have feedback on content, try our Topographic Map Feedback web map, or Street Map Feedback web map.

If you have other feedback or comments, please post them to the ArcGIS Online Discussion Group and the Living Atlas Discussion Group on GeoNet.

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