
A Developer's Guide to UC 2024

UC 2024 is around the corner, and we’re incredibly excited to share some of the exciting sessions and events happening where GIS and software development intersect. Read on for information about the sessions being offered, the ArcGIS Developers area within the Showcase, and Developer Day — all happening at UC!

Developer-Focused Sessions at UC 2024

Tuesday, July 16

8:30am Web Development Strategies (Room 31ABC) – This talk is for those new to web development with ArcGIS and interested in learning about the most important technologies available for creating web applications. We will introduce key components of the system architecture, performant web services, ready-to-use location service, configurable applications, low-code solutions, specs for reusing 2D and 3D maps, and a language for dynamic content between applications. We will also explore JavaScript libraries for custom applications, including the fully featured ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript and its web components – the new simplified way to build custom apps.

10:00am JavaScript for Future Web Developers (Demo Theater 1) – Has Desktop development got you down, or have you been too busy to learn web stuff? This is the perfect session for you to start web development! Our enthusiastic team members will guide you though your first web mapping app with JavaScript and web components, introduce web application architecture, and direct you to more resources about web development.

11:30am ArcGIS Experience Builder – Building Your First Widget (Demo Theater 1) – You will learn how to use TypeScript and React to build your first widget in ArcGIS Experience Builder developer edition. We will also show you how to debug your widget to improve your debugging experience.

1:00pm ArcGIS API for Python: Working with Low- and No-Code Application Builders (Demo Theater 1) – With the growing number of apps that can be created using app builders such as ArcGIS Experience Builder, ArcGIS Dashboards, and ArcGIS StoryMaps, finding easy ways to manage all of your organization’s apps becomes more important. This session focuses on using the arcgis.apps module of the ArcGIS API for Python to copy and update apps and working directly with the new WebExperience class.

1:00pm Development Strategies for Desktop and Mobile Apps (Room 5AB) – ArcGIS provides app developers with many tools and options for building useful desktop and mobile mapping applications that use the power of GIS. In this session, we will tour these products and capabilities, so that you can deploy your apps on a variety of devices. We will explore no-code/low-code tools such as ArcGIS AppStudio, the ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET, ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Native Apps, and ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Game Engines. We will also tour resources such as: ArcGIS location services, usage analytics, samples, open-source projects, training, videos, and interactive community forums.

2:30pm ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript: Data Visualization (Demo Theater 1) – This session will discuss and demonstrate visualization and analytical techniques that are performed client-side. You’ll learn the basics of how to turn your raw data into information that tells a story with data-driven visualizations. We will provide an overview to the various visualization techniques available in the SDK specific to vector data, and will share tips and tricks to help you feel more confident in making smart choices for visualizing your data.

2:30pm ArcGIS API for Python: Administering ArcGIS Online (Room 14AB) – This technical workshop will teach GIS administrators how to use the ArcGIS API for Python to manage their web GIS and automate common repetitive tasks. This talk will cover common workflows in managing users, their credits and licenses, as well as managing groups and content. You will also learn about content migration strategies.

4:00pm Customize Your ArcGIS Pro Experience with Configurations (Demo Theater 1) – This session embarks on a journey to personalize your ArcGIS Pro experience like never before. Using the ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET, learn about the art of customization using configurations, empowering you to mold ArcGIS Pro to fit your organization’s unique needs and preferences. Whether you’re a GIS manager seeking to streamline operations or a developer eager to explore new customization possibilities, this session offers practical insights and actionable strategies to help unlock the full potential of ArcGIS Pro. From fine-tuning the user interface to automating repetitive tasks and optimizing workflows, you’ll learn how to build your own configurations to transform ArcGIS Pro into your ultimate GIS toolkit.

4:00pm ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript: What’s New and Road Ahead (Room 8) – Attend this session to get a tour of the most important advancements in the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript that were introduced over the last year and get inspired with new ideas for your web apps. We’ll also give you a sneak peek at several capabilities that are being worked on and discuss our short- and long-term roadmap.

Wednesday, July 17

11:30am ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript: Using ArcGIS Arcade in Your Apps (Demo Theater 1) – This demo theater will demonstrate how you can transform your data from one or more field values to computed data values for use in data visualizations, popup content, forms, and labels. We’ll also provide a beginner’s overview to the Arcade language.

1:00pm ArcGIS Maps SDK for Native Apps: What’s New and Road Ahead (Demo Theater 1) – ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Native Apps enable you to build applications with .NET, Java, Qt, Swift, and Kotlin that work with the ArcGIS system and run directly on desktop and mobile devices, online or offline. Over the last year, several new features have been introduced, including real-time support, clustering, offline editing and tracing of utility networks, and the introduction of new data sources such as 3D Tiles. This session will cover these and other improvements and provide a sneak peek at what’s coming next.

2:30pm ArcGIS Maps SDK for Game Engines: What’s New and Road Ahead (Demo Theater 1) – ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Game Engines enable you use Unity and Unreal Engine to build immersive, cutting-edge 3D and XR experiences with real-world data. Over the last year several new features have been introduced such as clip, mask, replace and filter to modify geospatial data on the fly and support for virtual tabletops. This session will cover these and other improvements and provide a sneak peek at what’s coming next.

4:00pm ArcGIS API for Python: Managing Web Maps and Layers (Demo Theater 1) – In this technical workshop, we’ll demonstrate how to use the ArcGIS API for Python to author, edit, and visualize web maps and web layers. We will demonstrate some common workflows including editing pop-ups, group layers, switching basemaps and layers, and finally cloning GIS content.

4:00pm ArcGIS Location Platform: What’s Is It and Who Is It For? (Room 2) – ArcGIS location services are web services hosted by Esri that you can use to build mapping and spatial analysis applications. Learn about the capabilities of each service, how to access them securely, and the many client APIs available to use in your apps. Intended for the Technical Manager/CTO/CEO level review of the use cases and business model when developing applications with ArcGIS Location Platform, ArcGIS Online, and ArcGIS Enterprise.

Thursday, July 18

10:00am ArcGIS Experience Builder: Building Your First Widget (Demo Theater 1) – You will learn how to use TypeScript and React to build your first widget in ArcGIS Experience Builder developer edition. We will also show you how to debug your widget to improve your debugging experience.

11:30am ArcGIS API for Python: Automating Tools to Monitor Your Organization (Demo Theater 1) – This demo theater will explore using the ArcGIS API for Python to monitor any organization’s usage and costs. Using the tools provided by ArcGIS Enterprise, attendees will learn how the ArcGIS API for Python can automate monitoring tasks such as logging and reporting to build a complete picture of consumption and usage within the organization.

1:00pm ArcGIS AppStudio: Options for Migration (Demo Theater 1) – With ArcGIS App Studio Retiring February 2025, current users will need migrate their current AppStudio applications to other supported ArcGIS options. This session will outline how the different ArcGIS SDKs can replicate AppStudio workflows and functionalities, and as well as demonstrate some of the little to no code solutions.

2:30pm ArcGIS API for Python: Administering ArcGIS Online (Room 14AB) – This technical workshop will teach GIS administrators how to use the ArcGIS API for Python to manage their web GIS and automate common repetitive tasks. This talk will cover common workflows in managing users, their credits and licenses, as well as managing groups and content. You will also learn about content migration strategies.

4:00pm ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript: Improving UX with Pop-ups (Room 30AB) – In this technical workshop, you’ll learn how to utilize recently added features in the Map Viewer and the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript that allow you to modify the popup’s appearance and behavior. We’ll cover how to configure different elements within the pop-up, display charts, and more to modify the look and feel the of the popup to meet your application’s requirements.

Showcase: ArcGIS Developers

Stop by the ArcGIS Developers area of the Showcase in Hall C to talk with any of our developers and product engineers about our SDKs and how they can be utilized with your projects and solutions.

The following products will be covered:

ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript

Calcite Design System

ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Native Apps

ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Game Engines

ArcGIS API for Python

ArcGIS Location Platform

ArcGIS Location Services

Don’t miss our Expo Open Platform Spotlight Talks happening in the Showcase as well!

Tuesday, July 16

10:40am Esri and Open Source – Open-source geospatial libraries are a popular tool used in many geospatial workflows. Join us for a brief review of important open-source projects that are sponsored by Esri. Learn about how open source works as well as how to get involved and contribute to open-source technology.

Wednesday, July 17

10:00am Esri Services: Integrating with Open Source Libraries – Presenters provide a brief, high-level overview of how to integrate Esri Services with open source libraries such as Leaflet, MapLibre, OpenLayers, and CesiumJS.

Thursday, July 18

11:30am Using Esri’s ArcGIS REST JS – Presenters briefly describe how to use open-source ArcGIS REST JS for lightweight service integration into any JavaScript app, whether server or front-end.

Developer Day at UC 2024

Join us on Wednesday, July 17th, at the San Diego Convention Center for Developer Day. This all-day event caters to all developer levels, from exploring low-code solutions to deep diving into GIS app development. The general session and technical sessions will take place in Room 7AB.

Included with your UC registration, Developer Day offers a unique opportunity to:

This is more than just a learning experience; it’s a chance to shape the future of GIS development in your organization.

The day begins with a general session which is a comprehensive overview of what the ArcGIS System is, highlighting its benefits and architecture through demonstrations. We kick off the morning with a warm welcome and an introduction to community through the developer story and discovering how leveraging APIs provides underlying capabilities to you as a developer. Then we continue leveraging those capabilities shared as services and APIs to build apps that can be tailored to your requirements. Finally, we will share some of the highlights of ArcGIS developer tools that are available to use and get started with today.

After the general session, we will offer the following technical sessions:

1:00pm ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript: Fundamentals (Room 7AB) – Attend this session to get a tour of the most important capabilities in the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript, the fundamentals of the API, and get inspired with new ideas for your web apps. We’ll cover bringing in data with any format, basic layer styling, editing, client-side analysis, shortcuts for building your UI, and more, with engaging demos and detailed explanation about the techniques and capabilities.

2:30pm Faster Web Development with ArcGIS Web Components (Room 7AB) – We’ll introduce the brand-new web components that are part of the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript for bringing ArcGIS experiences into your app with a few lines of code. We’ll also demonstrate how you can use Calcite Design System web components to build accessible, consistent web applications faster. When you use Calcite and the JavaScript Maps SDK components and capabilities together, you can create a compelling web mapping application with maximum productivity.

4:00pm ArcGIS Experience Builder for Developers (Room 7AB) – ArcGIS Experience Builder enables you to quickly build web apps and web pages with no-low code. It is highly configurable with flexible design, mobile optimization, smart widgets, and integration. It is extensible so you can add your own tools to deliver production ready solutions fast. Come to learn the developer edition from installation, collaboration, deployment, automation, to upgrade, including importing apps from ArcGIS Online, adding custom widgets to apps or ArcGIS Enterprise, etc.

Developer Social

Developer Day finishes off with a networking social over at the Marriott Marquis South Pool. We will have delicious appetizers and beverages to enjoy while connecting with other attendees and developers. Catch up, learn from others, and share some of your stories all while listening to the best DJ ever!

If you are not registered for UC but would like to attend the Developer Social, you can register here.


About the author

Amy is the Developer Community Manager in Product Management. She has an MA in English Literature and Composition and an MBA with a focus on Global Business. Follow the @EsriDevs and @EsriDevEvents accounts on Twitter for updates on developer community events and happenings!

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