Explorer for ArcGIS is the best way to view your maps and layers on your mobile device, whether you have a data connection or if you’re working in a remote area with no service. It’s great for those field users who don’t need (or aren’t trusted with!) full editing permissions but may want to take some notes on the map and share those with colleagues in the field or back in the office. These capabilities are available today on Android and iOS and we’re super excited to announce that soon they will be available on Windows 10!

The time is right
We’ve been hearing a steady drumbeat of requests for Windows support from our users. With many organizations enacting one-device policies and deploying Windows devices for field workforces, you’ve told us that we need to bring our mobile apps to the Windows platform. ArcReader users have been telling us they need a modern simple map viewer app to replace the aging ArcReader app on Windows. And with fantastic new field-ready hardware like the Surface Go becoming available, we feel that now is the time to bring Explorer to Windows.

Join the party
You can get an early look right now! We have started an early adopter program and we’d love it if you’d join in, test out your maps, and let us know what you think. If you’d like to participate, head over to our Getting Started blog on GeoNet and follow the 4 easy steps. We look forward to hearing your feedback!
Scott and the Explorer for ArcGIS team
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