Imagery & Remote Sensing

Intelligent Maps Checklist: Thematic Image Services

Have you ever made a checklist for yourself to ensure that your thematic image service is not missing anything? No? Good news, we’ve done that for you. Feel free to use the checklist below, at least as a starting place.

Raster Phase (ArcCatalog):

For each raster, check the following in the Raster Dataset Properties dialogue:

Attribute Table Phase:

Mosaic Phase:

Mosaic Dataset Properties – General Tab:

Mosaic Dataset Properties – Defaults Tab:


Raster Functions on the Mosaic:

Image Service Phase:

Checking Your Service:

Also available as a PDF. Other Intelligent Maps Checklists are available for Web Maps and Map Services.

About the author

Michael Dangermond has over 25 years experience in GIS in such diverse fields as cartography, agriculture, international boundary delineation, environmental protection, regional planning, park planning, land and wildlife conservation, and forestry. He has been working for ESRI since 2010.


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