During the September 2017 ArcGIS Solutions Release 4 new Solution Products were added to ArcGIS and 33 Solution Products were updated.
New Solution Products
Community Impact enables the public to report short, mid or long-term impacts after a natural disaster to support future resiliency planning.
Community Impact Dashboard presents aggregated information about community impact reports collected by Community Impact.
Community Resilience Surveys enables organizations to collect information about the resilience and vulnerability of key community assets in using Survey123 for ArcGIS.
Mitigation Feedback enables the public to provide feedback on mitigation proposals published by government departments
ArcGIS Solutions Deployment Tool Updates
The ArcGIS Solutions Deployment Tool add the ability to provision Parcel Drafter and Resilience Dashboard.
Updated Solution Products
Community Resilience and Hazard Vulnerability Assessment updated the data schema used for analysis.
Crowdsource Manager updated to version 3.22 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript and fixed bugs. This affects Citizen Science Manager, Health & Safety Reports, and Property Listing Reviewer.
Crowdsource Polling updated to version 3.22 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript and fixed bugs. This affects Environmental Impact Public Comment, Events Permit Review.
Crowdsource Reporter added the ability to hide splash screen and configuration parameters to enabled opening and closing of the comment period, updated to version 3.22 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript and fixed bugs and. This affects Citizen Science Reporter, Health & Safety Reports, and Property Lister.
Debris Reporting added a survey form for collecting debris reports with Survey123 for ArcGIS and updated schema.
Environmental Screening incorporated the Screening widget into Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS Developer Edition, fixed bugs and updated sample data.
Information Lookup search tolerance for map click or location search can now be set in the configuration panel, the loading indicator is now shown until data is loaded to ensure pop ups from all intersecting features are displayed and fixed bugs. This affects Evacuation Zones and Floodplain Inquiry, Incentive Zones, and My Elected Representative
Local Government 3D Basemaps fixed a Modify DTM tool issue when buffer distance was not a whole number and OS language was Swedish.
Maps and Apps Gallery added support for using the default vector basemap group, improved application of shared theme settings on mobile devices and updated to use version 3.22 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. This affects Common Operational Picture and Events Map Gallery.
My Government Services now displays the next pickup date based on day of the week services is provided for curbside and drop-off services.
Shadow Impact Analysis fixed an issue with EvaluateShadow.tbx issue when meters were used as a unit to derive sun locations.
Park Locator and Water Access Locator updated sample data.
Visibility Assessment added the ability to use point features to identify the observer features and calculate visibility on target features and fixed an issue in visibility panel elevation when units were specified in meters.
Point of Sale and Service Qualification updated the Service Feasibility Widget and fixed bugs. This provides the ability to calculate geodesic length of routes, the option to convert route lengths to a different unit, support Web App Builder (Developer Edition) 2.5.
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