ArcGIS Dashboards

What’s new in ArcGIS Dashboards (November 2022)

The November 2022 update of ArcGIS Dashboards includes some new and fun enhancements—the ability to include a search field for your lists, a dashboard-wide reset, and a new action. 

First thing to note is that ArcGIS Dashboards Classic has been retired and is no longer available. All dashboards now open in ArcGIS Dashboards. As you open any remaining dashboards that were last updated with ArcGIS Dashboards Classic, you can look at the dashboards upgrading checklist to verify any differences you may find.

Now, on to the new stuff.  

List search 

You can now add a search to your list elements.  Add a search field to the top of your list to allow dashboard viewers to quickly find list items. As viewers search, the list narrows down results and highlights text matching the search input. The highlight color is configurable in the list element’s configuration.  

list element search

The search field only searches for what is displayed and rendered on the list, including text from custom HTML code and advanced formatting. For example, if you have a maximum number of records set on your list, it will only search those records.

Dashboard reset 

In the dashboard settings, you can turn on Allow dashboard reset to allow dashboard viewers to reset the dashboard after interacting with it. A reset button appears on the bottom corner of the dashboard when a viewer makes a selection on an element or selector, pans and zooms the map, or interacts in any other way.  

dashboard reset button

Resetting the dashboard does the following:  

Follow feature 

The follow feature action is now available when configuring dashboards (again, for those who previously used ArcGIS Dashboards Classic).  

You can enable the follow feature action on elements configured to show features to have a target map element to pan to and remain centered on a specific feature.

following feature on map

The follow feature action is only available when the data source is point geometry and has a refresh interval set. If you previously configured the follow feature action in a dashboard that was last updated with ArcGIS Dashboards Classic, you must reconfigure the action in ArcGIS Dashboards. 

These latest enhancements are all now available in ArcGIS Dashboards. Create your first dashboard or open your existing dashboards to start using these new enhancements!  As always, we love seeing the dashboards you make. Share them with us on Twitter and LinkedIn using #ArcGISDashboards. 

About the author

Noora is a product writer with a background in Geography and GIS. Working from Ottawa, Canada, she focuses on writing documentation and creating resources for users. In her free time, she's often baking, exploring the outdoors, and spending time with her dog.

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