ArcGIS Pro Intelligence is a powerful desktop application to help analysts connect the dots through spatial, temporal, and relational analysis. It has the tools to integrate disparate data, perform analysis to create understanding, and deliver rich visuals and reports. Tightly coupled with the ArcGIS system, ArcGIS Pro Intelligence supports data and assessment sharing across ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise and can operate as a completely disconnected workstation when needed.
What’s New in ArcGIS Pro Intelligence 2.7
The team behind ArcGIS Pro Intelligence has been hard at work incorporating all-new tools and capabilities to meet your investigative and intelligence needs. In the ArcGIS Pro Intelligence 2.7 release you can get access to new geoprocessing tool to analyze movement data, use standalone tables to create entity types in your link chart, find Eigenvector and PageRank metrics for your network, leverage brand new symbols for dignitary protection and law enforcement, and more.
Movement analysis tools
Movement tools use point track data to analyze and visualize the movement of objects in space and time. Point track data consists of time-sequenced point locations grouped by unique devices, such as GPS or other mobile devices. Four complementary tools analyze movement:
- Find Cotravelers determines which devices, such as mobile phones, may be traveling together at the same place and time.
- Find Meeting Locations identifies areas where several devices have a longer dwell time—indicating a possible meeting location.
- Compare Areas finds unique devices operating in known areas at the same place and time.
- Classify Movement Events identifies movement-specific events in point track data.

Classify Movement Events is the newest of the four tools. It attributes point track data with turn information (including U-turns), stops, and information about acceleration and deceleration, simplifying the time-consuming process of reviewing track points to figure out how an entity was moving at a location. This is useful for analysts working with shipping telemetry, monitoring feeds from traffic, or reviewing GPS device metrics.
Create entity types from standalone tables
Now, in addition to feature layers, you can create entity types from stand-alone tables. This makes it easy to pull in a spreadsheet or other tabular data to add relevant entities to your link chart.
Select connected entities in the link chart
Sometimes you need to quickly be able to select all the entities that are connected to a selected entity or entities. Now, you can easily do this in one click.

Added Eigenvector and PageRank methods to link analysis metrics
Eigenvector centrality is based on important nodes being connected to other important nodes. Eigenvector allows for the determination of whether there are clusters of influence in a given network. Eigenvector works when all relationships in the network are bidirectional or directionality is annotated on the network. Eigenvector helps to answer questions such as: Are there groups of highly influential people between social media groups? Who are they?
PageRank centrality is like Eigenvector in that it is suited best to measuring influence in a network. However, while Eigenvector does not take directionality into account, PageRank does. PageRank centrality can help answer questions such as: Which node in my IT network is most critical? Who in this criminal network exerts the most influence over the entirety of the network?
New symbols for dignitary protection and law enforcement
We heard you loud and clear, and over the last few releases we’ve been adding new and relevant point symbols to the Intelligence style. At the ArcGIS Pro Intelligence 2.7 release we added symbols that can be used for dignitary protection, law enforcement, investigations, pattern of life, communication and more.

Timelines are now created and managed in Contents
Starting at 2.7, when you create a new Timeline it will be added to your Contents associated with the Map that contains your time aware layers. From Contents you can manage the timeline and its properties.
Added new Filter By Attributes condition to Alerts
The new Filter By Attributes condition will alert you when feature attributes match an attribute query. This is helpful when you want to be alerted on status updates or specific categories of events, such as facilities that are operating at diminished capacity.
Added clock time to condition recurrence
When you add a new condition, you can now choose the exact date and time you want that condition to start executing. For instance, you can set a condition and schedule the recurrence to start at 9:00 am tomorrow morning and run every 12 hours after that.
KML Support
Made it easier to work with KML by adding KML to Layer to the Data tab and Layer to KML to the Disseminate tab so that you can easily bring in KML and convert layers to KML when needed.
Additional Resources
Get started with ArcGIS Pro Intelligence by taking an on-demand course through Esri Academy.
For questions and feedback, chat with the ArcGIS Pro Intelligence team on GeoNet or contact Esri technical support. If you have questions for our sales team, please fill out the form on the ArcGIS Pro Intelligence product overview page.
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