Imagery & Remote Sensing

What’s New in the Image Analyst Extension (ArcGIS Pro 2.5)

The ArcGIS Image Analyst extension for ArcGIS Pro 2.5 now features expanded deep learning capabilities, enhanced support for multidimensional data, enhanced motion imagery capabilities, and more.

Learn about  new imagery and remote sensing-related features added in this release to improve your image visualization, exploitation, and analysis workflows.

Deep Learning

We’ve introduced several key deep learning features that offer a more comprehensive and user-friendly workflow:

New deep learning tools in ArcGIS Pro 2.5
New deep learning tools in ArcGIS Pro 2.5

Multidimensional Raster Management, Processing and Analysis

New tools and capabilities for multidimensional analysis allow you to extract and manage subsets of a multidimensional raster, calculate trends in your data, and perform predictive analysis.

New user experience

A new contextual tab in ArcGIS Pro makes it easier to work with multidimensional raster layers or multidimensional mosaic dataset layers in your map.

Intuitive user experience to work with multidimensional data
Intuitive user experience to work with multidimensional data

New tools for management and analysis

The new multidimensional functions and geoprocessing tools are listed below.

New geoprocessing tools for management

We’ve added two new tools to help you extract data along specific variables, depths, time frames, and other dimensions:

New geoprocessing tools for analysis

Additionally, the following tools have improvements that support new analytical capabilities:

New raster functions for analysis

New Python raster objects

Developers can take advantage of new classes and functions added to the Python raster object that allow you to work with multidimensional rasters

New classes include:

New functions include:

New tools to analyse multidimensional data
New tools to analyse multidimensional data

Motion Imagery

This release includes enhancements to our motion imagery support, so you can better manage and interactively use video with embedded geospatial metadata:

Motion imagery in ArcGIS Pro

Pixel Editor

The Pixel Editor provides a suite of tools to interactively manipulate pixel values of raster and imagery data. Use the toolset for redaction, cloud and noise removal, or to reclassify categorical data. You can edit an individual pixel or a group of pixels at once. Apply editing operations to pixels in elevation datasets and multispectral imagery. Key enhancements in this release include the following:

Additional resources


About the author

Principal Product manager on the Imagery team at Esri, with a zeal for remote sensing, AI and everything imagery.


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