With the October 2019 release of ArcGIS Online, we have updated the Workforce for ArcGIS web app inside your organization.
What’s New
There is a fresh new look to Workforce starting with the landing page.

You’ll find that this isn’t the only styling change either. Throughout the experience of using the Workforce web app, all of the components, tools and dialogs share our new updated branding for Workforce.

Along with our new look, there are some serious improvements in the underlying architecture. This update includes full https support, improved scalability when working with a large number of workers in a project, and much more.
Though a fairly minor release, this update sets the stage for some major new updates coming to Workforce.
Starting with the October release of ArcGIS Online and the 10.7.1 release of ArcGIS Enterprise, Workforce for ArcGIS no longer supports IE11.
What’s Coming Next…
We are busy at work on adding offline support to Workforce so that you can continue to complete work assignments even when you have lost connectivity in the field. For the mobile worker, this will be a seamless transition to working online. However, with adding offline support there will be changes to the Workforce schema coming as well.
Lots of great new capabilities are coming to Workforce. Stay tuned for announcements of an early adopter program that provides you with the opportunity to beta test well ahead of our release next year.
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