Emergency Management

Announcing Esri’s New Watch Center Solution!

Imagine if you could simultaneously monitor dozens of threat and hazard feeds—even when you’re off duty—and be automatically notified when a threshold is met and your attention and swift response are required.

Even better, what if you could monitor these feeds on a computer or mobile device and, in essence, have a watch officer in your pocket?

Now, imagine that the technology that would help you achieve this vision is something your organization already uses.

Good news. That reality is finally here with Esri’s Watch Center solution!

One of the most complex and dynamic challenges that public and private sector risk managers face is monitoring dozens of real-time data feeds. To help do this, organizations all over the world have implemented watch center capabilities so that they can protect the things they care about most—their people, facilities, systems, and other assets. But in today’s busy threat landscape, the sheer number of data feeds that require constant monitoring—weather, transportation, social media, and news outlet feeds; public safety dispatch and radio channels; facility status boards; etc.—poses a significant workforce challenge.

And a single missed signal could result in unimaginable loss of life or property.

Esri’s new Watch Center solution was designed to help you work more efficiently and effectively—even when you’re off duty—and delivers a set of capabilities to help you monitor and analyze threats and hazards.

Whether you’re a staff of 1 or 100, the solution will help your organization:

So, what does the new solution do?

What type of organization would be interested in the Watch Center solution.

National, state, and local governments; private sector businesses; utility and communication service providers; nonprofit organizations; higher education institutions; public health organizations; and others all utilize watch centers to varying degrees. Sometimes they’re called emergency operations centers, security operations centers, or facility operations centers. While the designs may vary, the functions of watch centers are relatively consistent, as they are equipped to monitor a diverse set of data feeds to identify risks and help organizations respond more effectively.

Put simply, if you need to monitor activity around any location, this solution is designed with your organization in mind.

Want to learn more? Check out this web page.

About the author

Carrie Speranza, CEM, director of Emergency Management Solutions at Esri, is responsible for cross-cutting industry-wide strategic initiatives. Previously, Carrie worked at the District of Columbia Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency, where she served as deputy director. She is the current chair of the FEMA National Advisory Council, where she has served as an Administrator’s appointee since 2019. Carrie is the president of the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) and was selected as one of the Top 40 Under 40 in 2021 by IAEM-USA. Carrie is a graduate of the National Emergency Management Executive Academy.

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