Emergency Management

How-To Blog Series: Sample Justification Language for an ArcGIS Investment Request

In some cases, emergency management organizations have to provide an investment justification for their ArcGIS license request, especially if another organization owns the larger license agreement or it is included in a grant application. Included below are a series of justifications that you may find helpful during this process.  

Sample Justification Language

Any questions? Connect with your Esri Account Manager or email emergencymanagement@esri.com to get a response from our Emergency Management team at Esri.

Need assistance during an active event? Please submit a request at Disaster Request Assistance.

About the author

Carrie Speranza, CEM, director of Emergency Management Solutions at Esri, is responsible for cross-cutting industry-wide strategic initiatives. Previously, Carrie worked at the District of Columbia Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency, where she served as deputy director. She is the current chair of the FEMA National Advisory Council, where she has served as an Administrator’s appointee since 2019. Carrie is the president of the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) and was selected as one of the Top 40 Under 40 in 2021 by IAEM-USA. Carrie is a graduate of the National Emergency Management Executive Academy.

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