Cyclomedia Technology Inc., US

Middleton, WI, United States


Cyclomedia Technology provides a cloud-based solution for street-level imagery used by government agencies and private companies for asset management. Our HD GeoCyclorama imagery has an embedded unique image identification, date and time stamp, along with precise location information. With 100-megapixel resolution, and at approx. 30 ft. from the camera, objects as small as 0.5 inches can be detected. HD GeoCycloramas are geometrically correct, allowing for precise linear, area and volume calculations inside the imagery. CycloMedia’s integration into Esri’s ArcGIS platform allows user access to high-definition, street-view imagery through ArcGIS Marketplace. Using the StreetSmart App, as well as ArcGIS for Desktop, customers now can use street level imagery in their current workflow for analysis, verification and correction of existing data. This integration gives Esri’s users an opportunity to enhance their GIS database without additional hardware, while reducing costly field based collection practices. CycloMedia is a pioneer in mobile mapping, having served customers since 1995 with its patented recording technology and panoramic imagery software solution. We have grown from a “stop and shoot” solution to the world’s most advanced five camera capturing system that produces 100-megapixel imagery.



CycloMedia provides street level imagery collection services for cities to entire countries. Our technology creates parallax-free, “HD GeoCycloramas” that yield highly accurate road-side features, which is key to our professional users in GIS and Mapping. Easily accessed through GlobeSpotter for ArcGIS for Desktop and StreetSmart, our cloud-hosted, street-level imagery can be licensed departmentally or throughout an entire enterprise. CycloMedia’s complete end-to-end solution for collecting, processing, and hosting street-level panoramas allow professionals to leverage the intelligence of updated geo-referenced imagery.

Services Provided:

System Integration, Training Services
