Solution details




Modifications and changes to the STIP occur on a much more frequent basis than ever before. Gaining approval and incorporating revisions and corrections represents a significant challenge to even the most well defined process. Transportation agencies have historically used slow, ineffective, and cumbersome business tools such as spreadsheets, to add, update, and maintain STIP project information. That’s why transportation agencies today are investing in ways to improve this lengthy process. With the pmgSTIP solution, transportation agencies are able to take advantage of an easy to use interface to create, update and report the STIP. All applicable funding and budget information is available in one place ready for querying and reporting. Users are able to add new STIP entries or modify existing ones, view budget and expenditure information for various programs and projects, and generate reports and program summaries which are easy to understand. Projects are easily mapped increasing the understanding of how the projects relate to each other. An outstanding feature of the pmgSTIP is that it integrates directly to project development or project programming systems to ensure all funding obligations and authorizations are in sync between these management systems. Future plans include integration with Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and their Transportation Improvement Plans (TIPs) to conduct “what if” scenarios.



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