Chris Wesson

Chris is a Senior Product Engineer on the ArcGIS Insights and ArcGIS Pro teams at Esri specializing in location analytics and map production. His interest is how to turn data into insightful or compelling stories through geographic and data visualization. Along with product development and GIS, Chris has a background in science and finance, and is experienced in business intelligence and cartography.

Posts by this author
Turning marker fills and patterns to map-ready points in ArcGIS Pro

Cartographic finishing for polygon marker symbol layers with the new Convert marker placement to points tool.

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What is an Alluvial Diagram, and why might you want to use one in Insights?

A new tool in ArcGIS Insights allows you to visualize multi-level relationships. Here's a detailed explanation.

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Lollipop Charts

Also known as a lollipop plot, this post looks at why we chose to add this option to ArcGIS Insights and when it might be of use.

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Data visualization types

A professional and person opinion on how to make the most of the different chart offerings in Insights

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Playing with charts during lockdown

"Stay-at-home" cartoon fun with column charts in ArcGIS Insights

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