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3D Visualization & Analytics


ArcGIS Earth - The Post UC 2017 Blog

By Darron Pustam

ArcGIS Earth is an interactive 3D experience to plan, visualize, and evaluate events on the globe. It’s a free and easy-to-use tool that provides situational awareness on desktop and mobile devices for improved decision-making. Sessions overflowed into hallways and people struggled to find empty seats as throngs of 2017 Esri UC attendees flocked to ArcGIS Earth and 3D sessions. In the 3D Demo Theater, we hosted ArcGIS Earth: An Introduction, on Tuesday and Wednesday, and ArcGIS for Enterprises, on Thursday. Based on the response, we realize ArcGIS users are eager to learn more about each of Esri’s tailored 3D experiences. Here’s an overview of what conference goers experienced.

ArcGIS Earth: An Introduction, introduced the interactive globe viewer and highlighted features that users love best. The session touched on typical deployment patterns and gave participants a quick dive into some of the key features of ArcGIS Earth such as:

  • Navigating & Searching
  • Choosing your own basemaps and terrain data
  • Accessing esri GeoREST services, KML & other data types
  • Adding and Switching Portals
  • Drawing and Measuring
  • Interacting with the table of contents
  • Configuring ArcGIS Earth and
  • Saving and Sharing your work

Users were also given a glimpse into the future including new data, capabilities, and performance coming to ArcGIS Earth in 2018!

ArcGIS Earth for Enterprises focused more on users in large enterprises, exploring how they can access the value of their data in ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Online. The session discussed in detail the types of deployments and virtualized environments that are currently supported by ArcGIS Earth. Administrators got to see firsthand how to get users started quickly and to learn which types of enterprise data are accessible through ArcGIS Earth.

Overall, we saw a good mixture of attendees, from new users to those who have been using ArcGIS Earth since it’s launch in January 2016. We talked to users from several US federal agencies, who adopted ArcGIS Earth to replace Google and are already implementing ArcGIS as the enterprise 3D platform.

ArcGIS Earth supports 3D visualization and KML. It offers you a variety of ways to access and share your data. At Esri, we put significant effort into ensuring ArcGIS Earth will work within highly secured network environments and with multiple authentication patterns commonly used by government and utilities customers. ArcGIS Earth is also being used heavily in education, from elementary to college levels where it is integrated directly into geospatial studies.

You can look at slides for ArcGIS Earth and other UC proceedings, here.

To learn more about ArcGIS Earth, visit

Download the latest version of Earth and try it today!

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