ArcGIS Enterprise

Update to ArcGIS Enterprise Product Lifecycle

The latest release of ArcGIS Enterprise includes an important update to the support given to the product. The ArcGIS Enterprise product lifecycle will now include short-term support (STS) and long-term support (LTS) releases. A product lifecycle defines the number of years that technical and software support such as patches and other security updates are made available.

Esri is making this change to streamline the number of releases under support by Esri so that we can continue to provide quality software and support for our many different customers. The advantage of this change for our customers is to clarify the level of support Esri plans for each release so they can make informed decisions to best fit their business needs.

ArcGIS Enterprise product lifecycle support page
ArcGIS Enterprise product lifecycle support page

A long-term support release mirrors the product lifecycle as it has been defined since ArcGIS 10.2, which includes a total of 6 years of support; the concept of a short-term support release is new, and it includes a total of 3 years of support.

This new product lifecycle will apply to ArcGIS Enterprise 10.7 and beyond. Existing supported releases, 10.2.x through 10.6.x, will continue to follow the old product lifecycle. This means that all versions prior to 10.7 are essentially viewed as LTS releases. Future releases will be designated as either short-term support or long-term support at the time of their release.


What Esri software is affected by this update?

This update affects:

What is short-term support (STS)?

What is long-term support (LTS)?

What does this update mean?

What is Esri’s recommended action for customers?

Esri strives to support customers in ways that reflect their preferred workflows and this change in product lifecycle is designed to do just that. We understand some customers upgrade frequently, while others do not. If you have any questions, please reach out to your account manager. You can also learn more on our support page.

About the authors

Product marketer. Map lover. Hello Kitty uber-fan.


Philip is a group product manager with Esri and manages the ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise PM teams. He enjoys living in sunny Southern California and traveling around the world for both business and pleasure.


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