The 2022 Esri User Conference is just around the corner and the ArcGIS Hub team is excited and ready to meet you there. We will be hosting a variety of sessions, as well as open hours in the Esri UC Expo where you can meet with us to get all your questions answered. Below you’ll find a list of recommended ArcGIS Hub focused in-person and hybrid sessions and activities. (Fun fact: a “hybrid” session means the session will be held live in-person and it will also be livestreamed and recorded for on demand playback later on) .
These technical workshops, demo theater presentations, and resources will help you dive into many aspects of ArcGIS Hub, open data, community engagement, Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), ArcGIS Enterprise Sites, and more. And don’t forget the Plenary on Monday (you might see some interesting ArcGIS Hub examples shared there as well)!
If you haven’t registered yet, check out your registration options here. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter for the latest updates and news about ArcGIS Hub.

ArcGIS Hub, Open Data, and SDI focused sessions, demos, and activities

ArcGIS Hub: An Introduction (In-Person, Recorded)
Tuesday, July 12 | 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. | SDCC – Room 30 A
ArcGIS Hub is a cloud-based engagement platform that helps organizations share important information and engage meaningfully with stakeholders and community members. If you have ArcGIS Online, you can get started using ArcGIS Hub today! In this session, you will get an introductory overview of the ArcGIS Hub, including guidance for how to stand up an attractive website without the need for any custom coding. You also will learn how to share data and content to different audiences and how to best leverage Hub’s built-in tools such as map-based surveys, events, and discussions for establishing meaningful and continued digital engagement spaces.
Presenters: Harshi Dondapati, Nick O’Day
Web Development Strategies (In-Person, Recorded)
Tuesday, July 12 | 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. | SDCC – Room 01 A/B
ArcGIS gives web developers many tools for building custom web mapping applications that use the power of GIS. In this session, we will tour these capabilities for designing and building your apps using the right tools. We will start by exploring no-code/low-code options for creating apps, then we’ll focus on technology for building custom apps that includes the fully-featured ArcGIS API for JavaScript, as well as open-source options such as Leaflet, CesiumJS, OpenLayers and MapLibre GL-JS, ArcGIS Platform location services, as well as a full set of resources for your success.
Presenters: Jeremy Bartley, Julie Powell, Andrew Turner
Open Data Catalogs and Federation: An Overview (In-Person)
Tuesday, July 12 | 4:00 p.m. – 4:20 p.m. | SDCC – Expo – Open Platform: Standards & Interoperability Spotlight Theater
Geospatial catalogs are an important aspect of making relevant data findable and accessible for use. In heterogeneous environments, metadata and catalog standards play a major role to make this process interoperable. Federated catalogs allow for mechanisms that either harvest metadata or in many cases the possibility to federate out the searches and return data of interest. This presentation will provide best practices using ArcGIS Online and Hub to leverage the power of the metadata and DCAT for catalog federation.
Presenters: Jill Saligoe-Simmel, Thomas Hervey

ArcGIS Hub: Managing and Working with Your Community (In-Person, Recorded)
Wednesday, July 13 | 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. | SDCC – Room 30 B
ArcGIS Hub helps organizations collaborate and engage with their communities. In this session, you will learn how to manage the content and apps community members can access, as well as how to control and leverage the ways in which community members can participate in projects and initiatives. The use of ArcGIS Hub sharing controls, teams, sign-up configurations, community identities, and the latest engagement tools will be highlighted.
Presenters: Jay Dev, Harshi Dondapati
ArcGIS: Modernize Your Geospatial Infrastructure (In-Person, Recorded)
Wednesday, July 13 | 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. | SDCC – Room 30 C
This session will share good practices for success in multi-organization geospatial infrastructure and Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). We’ll focus on workflows using ArcGIS Online and Hub to meet FAIR and open data obligations. Learn new patterns of sharing and collaboration with your authoritative data providing partners. Integrated geospatial infrastructure offers an opportunity to expand beyond traditional (meta)data catalogs to a comprehensive system of systems. ArcGIS is an end-to-end system of record, insights, and engagement that interconnects organizations in a global geospatial ecosystem.
Presenters: Satish Sankaran, Jill Saligoe-Simmel
Putting Data to (Re)Use: SDI/Open Data Hubs (In-Person)
Wednesday, July 13 | 10:30 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. | SDCC – Expo – Open Platform: Standards & Interoperability Spotlight Theater
“Build once, use many times” is a common spatial data infrastructure (SDI) refrain. Reuse is a core tennent of the FAIR data principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable). How does modern integrated geospatial infrastructure support re-usability? How are next generation web services and app builders expanding the value of your data? Come explore some of our favorite local, state, and national Open Data and SDI sites using ArcGIS Online and Hub to share content and put data to (re)use.
Presenters: Jill Saligoe-Simmel
ArcGIS INSPIRE Open Data: An Introduction (In-Person)
Wednesday, July 13 | 11:15 a.m. – 11:35 a.m. | SDCC – Expo – Open Platform: Standards & Interoperability Spotlight Theater
The Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) Directive supports the European spatial data infrastructure for the environment. INSPIRE is evolving to further align with the European strategy for data, the Green Deal, the EU Open Data Directive for reuse of public sector information, and other vital initiatives. Learn how ArcGIS INSPIRE Open Data supports a simplified and mainstreamed INSPIRE, using OGC standards and good practices for web services, metadata, and data federation with Data Catalog Vocabulary-Application Profile (DCAT-AP).
Presenters: Jill Saligoe-Simmel
Community Engagement SIG (In-Person)
Wednesday, July 13 | 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. | SDCC – Room 05 A
ArcGIS is increasingly being used to develop compelling data products that foster community engagement. These range from simple web maps that show details about a community project to complex Hub sites that foster collaboration between hundreds of municipal governments. With this SIG we hope to foster more collaboration and sharing of success stories among users that have successfully deployed one or more of our tools to build community engagement. The Esri speakers will very briefly (less than 20 minutes total) talk about trends we see in community engagement and major projects that have yielded big dividends for users. The moderators will then guide discussion among participants and potentially break them out into working groups to envision solutions to their community engagement challenges.
Presenters: Brenda Wolfe, Nick O’Day, Caitlin Smith, Shawnlei Breeding (Audubon Center for Birds of Prey), Megan Compton (Indiana Geographic Information Office), Laura Sharp (City of Tucson)
Good Practices for Open Data: Produce, Publish, Share, Use (In-Person, Demo Theater)
Wednesday, July 13 | 3:00 p.m. – 3:20 p.m. | SDCC – Expo – Open Platform: Standards & Interoperability Spotlight Theater
What’s new in ArcGIS for open data? What are the latest good practices that promote broad use and re-use? Why are the FAIR data principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) so important? We’ll review good practices for authoritative data providers to produce, publish, and share web services and metadata as open data that flow through the ArcGIS system to ArcGIS Hub, where your users readily discover and put them to use.
Presenters: Jill Saligoe-Simmel
ArcGIS Enterprise: An Introduction to Sites (In-Person, Recorded, Livestream)
Wednesday, July 13 | 4:00 p.m. – 5:-00 p.m. | SDCC – Ballroom 06 D
With ArcGIS Enterprise Sites, you can create a tailored web page experience that supports the easy discovery of your datasets, maps, apps, and other content by your staff and community, both GIS users and non-GIS users alike. In this session, the presenters will provide an overview of Enterprise Sites and the latest features, share best practices for site creation and content management, provide troubleshooting tips for common questions, and guide you through the steps to create intuitive web pages that reflect your organization’s branding and help your users find exactly what they need.
Presenters: Emily Nilson, Sydney Bohn, Thomas Hervey

Good Practices for Open Data: Produce, Publish, Share, Use (In-Person, Demo Theater)
Thursday, July 14 | 2:30 p.m. – 2:50 p.m. | SDCC – Expo – Open Platform: Standards & Interoperability Spotlight Theater
What’s new in ArcGIS for open data? What are the latest good practices that promote broad use and re-use? Why are the FAIR data principles (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) so important? We’ll review good practices for authoritative data providers to produce, publish, and share web services and metadata as open data that flow through the ArcGIS system to ArcGIS Hub, where your users readily discover and put them to use.
Presenters: Jill Saligoe-Simmel
ArcGIS Hub: Best Practices for Site Creation and Content Management (In-Person, Recorded, Livestream)
Thursday, July 14 | 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. | SDCC – Ballroom 06 D
Organizations around the world are using ArcGIS Hub to engage communities, promote transparency, collaborate across departments, and make critical data open and accessible. Attend this session to get an introduction to ArcGIS Hub and see the innovative, impactful ways it is being used. The presenters will share best practices for site creation and content management, including user roles and privileges, login configurations, managing domains, download workflows, and sharing content.
Presenters: Thomas Hervey, Sydney Bohn, Emily Nilson

Check out these Demo Theater, Hub Specialty Partner, and User Presentations that include ArcGIS Hub as well.
Transforming Data Management and Analysis to Make Sustainable Planning Decisions (In-Person, User Presentation)
Tuesday, July 12 | 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. | SDCC – Room 28 A
Explore how using GIS to centralize and analyze data can help decision-makers and community stakeholders make informed decisions to help meet a community’s needs.
Presenters: Kevin McMaster (SymGEO), Breece Robertson (Lincoln Institute of Land Policy), Chaz Manuel (Lincoln Institute of Land Policy)
Enhancing the Voting Experience (In-Person, User Presentation)
Tuesday, July 12 | 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. | SDCC – Room 26 B
Geography is the common denominator of where voters live, how residents engage in the voting process, and how officials manage elections. This session explores how two jurisdictions use GIS capabilities to increase voter turnout and improve the voter’s experience.
Presenters: Matt Pietryszyn (Qwhery), William Hartnett (St. Louis County Board of Elections), Tim Nolan (Collin County, Texas)
GIS Supporting HSE/ESG in Petroleum (In-Person, User Presentation)
Tuesday, July 12 | 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. | SDCC – Room 24 A
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) are taking a much higher profile in the world today, as companies, governments and individuals strive towards a more sustainable future. The session will contain two terrific examples, first on how to use publicly available data to monitor and notify potential infrastructure leaks as well how to protect biodiversity on a national scale starting with minimal data to support the effort.
Presenters: Katherine Roberts (Environmental Defense Fund), Barbara Patterson (Stone Environmental, Inc), Jack Warren (Environmental Defense Fund)
Strategies for Setting ArcGIS as a System of Engagement for Telecommunications (In-Person, Demo Theater)
Tuesday, July 12 | 10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. | SDCC – Expo – Demo Theater 08
Learn strategies and best practices for setting up ArcGIS Enterprise and portal as a true system of engagement.
Presenters: Patrick Huls, Jon Lauer
Emergency Management: Reduce Risk and Build Resilience Using GIS (In-Person, Demo Theater)
Tuesday, July 12 | 11:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | SDCC – Expo – Esri Showcase – OPS Center
Tuesday, July 12 | 4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. | SDCC – Expo – Esri Showcase – OPS Center
The risks we face today are more systemic and complex than ever before. Hazard mitigation requires an understanding of the social, economic, and environmental vulnerabilities that exist to design better strategies that mitigate and break the common cycle of respond, recover, repeat. Join us to learn about the geographic approach to resilience and how GIS provides a framework to assess risk and identify vulnerabilities, develop mitigation plans that target resources more equitably, and raise a community’s awareness and engagement in the process.
Presenters: Ryan Lanclos, Shelby Hines
The Transformative Role of Hubs to Improve Collaboration & Data Sharing (In-Person, User Presentation)
Tuesday, July 12 | 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. | SDCC – Room 28 C
This session will highlight how organizations are using information hubs to internally share data, improve collaboration, and modernize data delivery.
Presenters: Prem Radhakrishnan (geoConvergence LLC), Megan Compton (Indiana Geographic Information Office, Martin Dvořák (Statutarni mesto Brno), Robert Spál (Magistrát města Brna)
Engaging Communities to Restore Nature (In-Person, User Presentation)
Tuesday, July 12 | 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. | SDCC – Room 25 A
Community support can help take restoration efforts to scale by mobilizing community members to monitor and report on conservation topics. Effectively engaging the public in conservation programs however requires appropriate management and communications with volunteer contributors. This session will focus on two community conservation programs and their methods for successfully engaging volunteers and the community at large.
Presenters: Ariana Kim (National Audubon Society), Shawnlei Breeding (Audubon Center for Birds of Prey), Sheridan Finder (University of Georgia)
ArcGIS Solutions: Public Works (In-Person, Recorded)
Tuesday, July 12 | 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. | SDCC – Room 30 E
This session will provide an overview of a set of public works solutions that help local governments maintain right-of-way assets, coordinate capital investments, and engage the public in an effective way.
Presenters: Mike Dagle, Ryan Nosek, Walter Potts
ArcGIS: Empowering Small and Rural Systems (In-Person, User Presentation)
Tuesday, July 12 | 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. | SDCC – Room 24 C
Join this session to learn how small utilities are digitally transforming using web maps and field applications. Learn how they are supporting water rights, inspections, and more. Presenters will share how digital maps and data are making a difference. Products referenced in the presentations include ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Field Maps, ArcGIS Quick Capture, ArcGIS Survey123, and ArcGIS Hub. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how small and rural utilities are able to afford and implement ArcGIS technology, resulting in improved efficiency and collaboration.
Presenters: David Pritchard (TexianGeo), Ryan Rodriquez (Lower Valley Water District)
Are You Ready for the Infrastructure Investment: The Underestimated Value of the Right-of-Way (In-Person, Demo Theater)
Tuesday, July 12 | 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. | SDCC – Expo – Demo Theater 13
The U.S. is embarking on a once in a generation investment in infrastructure. Broadband, roads, highways, bridges, public transit networks, and water systems will all undergo major improvements, expansion, and modernization. All of these are in a right-of-way. With this expansion, projects will face many right-of-way challenges ranging from data collection, permitting, public engagement, to surveying, and real estate valuation. Managing right-of-way work with GIS delivers efficiency and cost savings. This session explores how GIS helps you plan, implement, and maintain infrastructure projects.
Presenters: Shannon Fries, Brent Jones
ArcGIS Solutions: Elections (In-Person, Recorded)
Wednesday, July 13 | 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. | SDCC – Room 30 E
This session will provide an overview of a set of elections solutions that help local governments increase public awareness, reduce voter apathy, run efficient election operations, and clearly communicate election results.
Presenters: Scott Oppmann, Mike Dagle, Ryan Nosek
Distributed GIS in Practice: Case Studies and Emerging Patterns (In-Person, Recorded)
Wednesday, July 13 | 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. | SDCC – Room 16 B
The challenges we face today increasingly demand sharing and collaborating across boundaries, often referred to as Distributed GIS. There are a variety of technical capabilities in the ArcGIS System that support Distributed GIS, including Distributed Collaboration and Partner Collaboration. In this session, we’ll explore Distributed GIS through the lens of case studies and emerging patterns, primarily through the technical capabilities that support them, but also people, process, and governance considerations that are critically important to successful Distributed GIS implementations.
Presenters: Mariah Neilsen, Wittaker Mathot, Erin Richmond
Promoting Water Quality and Community Engagement (In-Person, User Presentation)
Wednesday, July 13 | 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. | SDCC – Room 24 B
Presenters will discuss strategies for sharing information with stakeholders and growing engagement. How’s My Waterway is an application that provides communities with an easily accessible and understandable picture of water quality on three scales: community, state, and national. It provides clear access to the information that EPA is collecting and answers questions about health of waters. The second presentation will focus on how ArcGIS Hub and Dashboards are used to provide regularly updated information about watersheds, CSO catchment areas, and IP project areas to City staff and stakeholders, as well as regulators.
Presenters: Kiki Schneider (EPA), Sierrah Teramura (WAI Clean Water)
COVID-19 Monitoring Through Wastewater Data (In-Person, User Presentation)
Wednesday, July 13 | 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. | SDCC – Room 29 C
Governments utilize wastewater data to monitor COVID-19.
Presenters: Stephanie Deitrick (City of Tempe)
ArcGIS Hub: Public Safety Information Sharing Workflows (In-Person, Demo Theater)
Wednesday, July 13 | 11:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | SDCC – Expo – Demo Theater 08
Wednesday, July 13 | 4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. | SDCC – Expo – Demo Theater 08
This session will explore how you can use ArcGIS Hub for both internal and external information sharing. We will share strategies, best practices, resources, tips & tricks, as well as examples from the user community on how to support these common workflows.
Presenters: Jeff Baranyi, Phil Murray
GIS Data: Finding Data and Unlocking its Potential (In-Person, Recorded)
Wednesday, July 13 | 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. | SDCC – Room 04
In this session we will explore sources of GIS data including Esri’s Living Atlas, government agencies, and the private sector. One of the most common questions for new GIS organizations is “Where do I get the data?” We will discuss considerations when looking for data, including finding authoritative data, data formats, and data integration. This session is designed for organizations just starting to look for GIS data, or GIS professionals that would like to expand their sources of GIS data.
Presenters: Miriam Schmidts, Brianna Widdick
GIS for Emergency Management Operations (In-Person, User Presentation)
Wednesday, July 13 | 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. | SDCC – Room 29 D
This session will illustrate how agencies are using GIS in their emergency management departments and operations centers. Hear best practices and lessons learned from your peers.
Presenters: Fabio Santos (Travis County Office of Emergency Mangement), Jon Hanian (Idaho Office of Emergency Management), Christopher Rodriguez (Travis County Office of Emergency Management), Cy Smith (G&H International Services, Inc.)
Forecasting and Mapping Weather (In-Person, User Presentation)
Wednesday, July 13 | 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. | SDCC – Room 25 B
GIS facilitates forecasting and mapping weather patterns and disseminating information to the public.
Presenters: Liz Sutherland (Western University, Map & Data Centre), Matt Taraldsen (State of Minnesota, Pollution Control Agency)
Mapping and Geospatial Authorities: Web GIS (In-Person, User Presentation)
Wednesday, July 13 | 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. | SDCC – Room 24 A
Mapping & Geospatial Authorities are effectively using Web GIS to reach a broader user community. It unlocks geospatial information and makes it easily accessible to anyone with a web browser. Learn how you can quickly and efficiently make your geospatial information available to your users to enable them to make informed decisions.
Presenters: Elizabeth McCartney (US Geological Survey – NGTOC), Rick Vera (US Army Corp of Engineers, Galveston)
Getting Started with the Damage Assessment Solution (In-Person, Demo Theater)
Wednesday, July 13 | 1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. | SDCC – Expo – Demo Theater 03
Thursday, July 14 | 10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. | SDCC – Expo – Demo Theater 03
This session will help you get started with the Damage Assessment solution and learn how you can use the solution to collect damage reports, assign initial damage assessments, monitor the impact of a disaster on the community, brief internal stakeholders, and share information with the public.
Presenters: Jamie Jacobs, Jeremiah Lindemann
ArcGIS Solutions: Citizen Problem Reporter (In-Person, Demo Theater)
Wednesday, July 13 | 2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. | SDCC – Expo – Demo Theater 05
This session will help you get started with the Citizen Problem Reporter solution and learn how you can use the solution to solicit reports from the public, manage the response to each report, solicit feedback from the public after addressing a report, and monitor the resolution of nonemergency reports in a community.
Presenters: Andy Shoemaker, Chris Fox
Ensuring a Transparent Redistricting Process (In-Person, User Presentation)
Wednesday, July 13 | 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. | SDCC – Room 25 A
The real driver in a more transparent redistricting process is a rather simple desire to be involved. This session will focus on two organizations that extended redistricting data and software tools to the public and discuss the civic inclusion benefits they received.
Presenters: Mark Flahan (Timmons Group), Michael Dobyns (City of Sacramento), Brian Kingery (Timmons Group), Carlos Porras (City of Sacramento), Rong Liu (City Of Sacramento)
Leveraging GIS to Modify Transparency and Community Engagement (In-Person, User Presentation)
Wednesday, July 13 | 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. | SDCC – Room 29 A
In this session, you will learn how to develop efficient communication processes and encourage community engagement.
Presenters: Pam Brangan (Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission), Ashleigh Glasscock (Greater Nashville Regional Council), Warren Rich (Stone Environmental)
ArcGIS Solutions: Police and Fire (In-Person, Recorded)
Thursday, July 14 | 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. | SDCC – Room 30 A
This session will provide an overview to a set of public safety solutions that help police and fire agencies analyze incident data, understand risk, improve operations, and inform internal and external stakeholders.
Presenters: Walter Potts, Andy Shoemaker, Chris Delaney
GIS for Disaster Recovery Operations (In-Person, User Presentation)
Thursday, July 14 | 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. | SDCC – Room 29 A
This session will illustration how agencies are using GIS to aid with disaster recovery operations. Hear best practices and lessons learned from your peers.
Presenters: Nikki Hart-Brinkley (City of Talent, Oregon), Derek Silva (Department of Defense)
GIS: Allowing for Better Data Driven Decisions (In-Person, User Presentation)
Thursday, July 14 | 8:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. | SDCC – Room 29 C
In this session local governments highlight the ways that GIS allowed them to make better informed decisions regarding public health.
Presenters: Serene Ong (San Bernardino County Department of Public Health), Seth Lewis (City of Tempe), Mayra Barcenas (San Bernardino County Department of Public Health), Anthony Arce (San Bernardino County Department of Public Health), Deborah Fillpot (San Bernardino County), William Mancini (City of Tempe)
Trends in GIS for Health (In-Person, Demo Theater)
Thursday, July 14 | 10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. | SDCC – Expo – Demo Theater 13
Are you keeping pace with the latest applications of GIS in health and human services? Attend this session to get updates on the latest trends in the use of GIS for health. Join us to learn how a geographic lens helps achieve health equity; spatial data collection, integration and visualization facilitates preparedness plans; a geographic approach to information delivery and accessibility extends the reach of programs and services; and applying location analytics aids our understanding of how climate and environment impact human health and well-being to step up your spatial analysis game.
Presenters: Nicte Hernandez, Este Geraghty
How to Provide Data Insights and Drive Collaboration (In-Person, User Presentation)
Thursday, July 14 | 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. | SDCC – Room 26 B
Explore how to organize, share, and analyze data to enhance communication with key stakeholders using GIS.
Presenters: Beheshteh Makari (SEMCOG), Matt Shade (Franklin County), Gena Shelton (Franklin County Auditor’s Office)
ArcGIS Solutions; Equitable Property Value (In-Person, Demo Theater)
Thursday, July 14 | 11:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | SDCC – Expo – Demo Theater 05
This session will help you get started with the Equitable Property Value solution and learn how you can use the solution to communicate parcel, property sales, and floodplain information as well as solicit assessment appeals from property owners in order to improve customer service and promote fair and equitable property values.
Presenters: Nicholas Popovich, Chris Buscaglia
Trends in GIS for Environment and Natural Resources (In-Person, Demo Theater)
Thursday, July 14 | 11:15 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | SDCC – Expo – Demo Theater 13
As we continue to uncover the ecological challenges facing our planet, the job of environmental and natural resources agencies is becoming more critical. Agencies are using GIS to help mitigate and manage natural resource impacts and ensure sustainability. Join us to explore the emerging trends and GIS tools for wildlife Tracking – aerial surveys, predictive modeling of species data; climate change – ecological restoration, land management; environmental justice – park equity, urban shade islands; grants and permitting – compliance monitoring; and economic development – outdoor recreation.
Presenters: Sunny Fleming, Gina O’Neil
How Data Improves Facility Design and Management | ArcGIS Hub Changes How Stakeholders View 3D Electric Substation Design (In-Person, User Presentation)
Thursday, July 14 | 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. | SDCC – Room 25 C
Explore how two organizations approach facility management and tracking of assets as well as designing facilities from the ground up.
Presenters: Paula Alejandra Farias Arrieta (Universidad de la Salle)
Enabling University Administration with Great GIS Products | Creating an Accessible/ADA Compliant ArcGIS Hub Site (In-Person, User Presentation)
Thursday, July 14 | 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. | SDCC – Room 27 B
We know GIS can improve communication and increase efficiency, but only if people actually use the GIS apps they’re given. This session explores how two universities took end-user needs into consideration when creating apps and how that knowledge led to better outcomes and satisfied customers.
Presenters: Negar Pourshadi (Northeastern University), Begum Tanriverdi Bolukbas (Northeastern University)
What’s New in GIS for Land Records and Property Assessment (In-Person, Demo Theater)
Thursday, July 14 | 1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. | SDCC – Expo – Demo Theater 13
Technology advancements and new GIS capabilities have allowed land records professionals to boost the value of their GIS investment. From the Equitable Property Value Hub that allows better communication to taxpayers to ArcGIS Insights for sales ratio studies and outlier detection to new functionality and tools in the parcel fabric, land records professionals are calculating more accurate valuations, assessing more property quicker, and revealing untapped revenue. Join us to see what’s new in ArcGIS for Assessment, Taxation and Land Records and leave with tips to transform your organization.
Presenters: Shannon Fries, Brent Jones
Environmental Management and Water Regulation in Brazil (In-Person, User Presentation)
Thursday, July 14 | 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. | SDCC – Room 28 A
This session features presentations on Brazil’s use of GIS for an integrated environmental management system and for the largest water monitoring program in the country.
Presenters: Flavio Nery (Fundação Renova), Brigida Maioli (Fundação Renova), Sonia Burmester do Amaral (Instituto Água e Terra), Jaqueline Dorneles de Souza (Instituto Água e Terra), Gislene Lessa (Instituto Água e Terra)
And if you are looking to learn more about accessibility, check out these sessions:
Accessibility: An Overview (In-Person, Recorded)
Tuesday, July 12 | 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. | SDCC – Room 30 A
Welcome to this introductory workshop for accessibility (a11y) essentials and testing best practices. Learn about Esri’s approach to digital accessibility, review current accessibility standards (e.g. Section 508, WCAG), and explore available accessibility resources. Get started with accessibility testing principles and best practices, as well as an introduction to commonly used assistive technologies such as screen readers. Learn to understand accessibility requirements and conduct accessibility testing with representatives from the Esri Accessibility and ArcGIS StoryMaps teams.
Presenters: Jessica Mccall, Karl Frantz, Liz Todd
Accessibility and ArcGIS (In-Person, Recorded)
Wednesday, July 13 | 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. | SDCC – Room 30 B
Welcome to this exploratory workshop highlighting accessibility (a11y) advancements in ArcGIS web, desktop, and mobile software. Learn about Esri’s approach to accessibility in ArcGIS Products, how current accessibility standards (e.g. Section 508, WCAG) are incorporated into development, and available accessibility resources. Explore updated and existing accessibility features in ArcGIS software, and examine topics for planned enhancements. Join us to review digital accessibility features and functionality with representatives from the Esri Accessibility, ArcGIS Online, and ArcGIS Pro teams.
Presenters: Jessica Mccall, Karl Frantz, Richard Caballero, Colleen Peoples
Accessibility SIG: Digital Accessibility in Mapping and ArcGIS (In-Person)
Thursday, July 14 | 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. | SDCC – Room 05 B
Join a conversation about the current state of digital accessibility, and accessibility innovations in mapping with ArcGIS products. In this discussion with Esri staff and product engineers, learn about additional perspectives including accessibility testing and mapping professionals, and users of assistive technology with ArcGIS software. We look forward to this discussion and opportunity to learn more about your accessibility needs and goals.

Even More Resources
Please find below additional ArcGIS Hub resources to help you prepare for the User Conference!
- Find out what’s new and learn best practices on the ArcGIS Blog
- Attend webinars and meet-ups to discover how others are using ArcGIS Hub
- View presentations, demos, and how-to videos on our ArcGIS Hub playlists
- Explore ArcGIS Hub guided lessons and learning paths
- Get inspired by our filterable ArcGIS Hub examples gallery
- Browse the template gallery to see what’s available in ArcGIS Hub Basic and ArcGIS Hub Premium
- Sign up for the ArcGIS Hub e-newsletter
- Follow us on Twitter @ArcGISHub
Hope to see you soon in San Diego!
P.S. Don’t forget to sign up to join us for the UC Virtual Run/Walk/Bike event. We’re actually using an ArcGIS Hub site to share all the participant rules, sign up forms, FAQs, race results, and leaderboard dashboards. It’s our third annual event. And it’s going to be super cool again this year. Let’s go around the world together!

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