ArcGIS Living Atlas

Introducing Landsat Collection 2

In January, this article was posted to inform users that we would be introducing new Landsat services while retiring existing services. However, things have changed and we will not be retiring the existing services. We will continue to support and update all existing Landsat Level-1 image services in addition to publishing a new Level-2 service.

While this is a significant change to the plan announced in January, it is a positive and helpful course correction for those who have come to rely on our existing Landsat services.

Changes to ArcGIS Online Landsat Services

In order to continue supporting all existing Landsat services, we will be upgrading them from Collection 1 Level-1 to Collection 2 Level-1 image products. While there is no longer a need to transition from one service to another, the ObjectID for each image will change. ObjectID is the unique identifier used when working with individual images within an ArcGIS image service. In Pro, selecting and locking on individual images is done via the ‘Raster Item Explorer’ or ‘Lock Raster’, and in Online maps and apps, this is done via ‘Image Filter’. If you have existing Pro projects or web maps and apps that have locked onto individual images, you will need to update them by reselecting your target image(s). If these scenarios do not pertain to you, then no action is needed.

As for the addition of the new Landsat Collection 2 Level-2 service, Q2 2021 availability will be announced soon.

ArcGIS Enterprise Users

All ArcGIS Enterprise Landsat items will continue to function as they have in the past, with the exception of the ObjectID change noted above.

More on Landsat Collection 2

In 2016, the USGS reorganized the Landsat archive into a tiered collection management structure.  The implementation of “collections” represented a substantial change in the management of the Landsat archive by ensuring consistent quality through time and across all instruments. – more from the USGS

In December 2020, the USGS released Landsat Collection 2, marking the second major reprocessing campaign on the Landsat archive.  Collection 2 processing resulted in several data product improvements that harness recent advancements in data processing, algorithm development, and data access and distribution capabilities.  – more from the USGS

About the author

As Content Lead for all things imagery in ArcGIS Living Atlas, Robert takes great pride in enabling the Esri community with the rich geographic information that Living Atlas provides...information to complement and enhance the ArcGIS system...information to support and drive the Science of Where.

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