ArcGIS Living Atlas

Author a map starting at the Living Atlas website

The ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World is one of the places you can search for content when you want to create a map. For example, when you search for and add content using the Map Viewer, the Living Atlas is one of the places you can search.

But another place you can start authoring your map is at the ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World website. By starting at the Living Atlas website, you have access to full browse and advanced search capabilities against Living Atlas content. You can also favorite Living Atlas content for easy access in the Map Viewer. Here’s how to leverage the website for your map authoring needs.


Start your map at the the Living Atlas website

Step 1. Go to the Living Atlas website and sign in.


Step 2. Click the Browse tab.


Step 3. Use the browse tools to find what you want.

There are lots of search options you can use to zero-in on content you’re interested in. For example, you can enter a keyword in Search. Click Search examples to get some hints, or just enter any search string.

You can also choose from Living Atlas topics. Click to open and choose subtopics you are interested in.

And you can search for specific content types, like maps or layers, choose a specific region, and more.

Use the various tools noted above, when finished browsing, peruse your results.


Step 4. Learn more about your results.

Click the thumbnail, or title, to open the item details for your search results. The item details provide additional information about your results that help you decide what to use.


Step 3. Make a map using your results.

Click the context menu (3 dots alongside your results).

Then choose the application to open, in this case we chose Map Viewer. You can also open the item in the Scene Viewer, or ArcGIS Desktop.

Once the Map Viewer opens, your Living Atlas layer will appear, and you can continue authoring your maps using the Map Viewer.


Using Favorites

You can also favorite items you find at the Living Atlas website. Click the star to favorite any of your search results.

Favorites appear under Content

And can also be used in the Map Viewer. Click Search for layers, then select My Favorites.


Summary and more information

Starting your search at the Living Atlas website, or using the website to choose Favorites, is an easy way to start authoring your map. For more information see:


About the author

I am a corporate technology evangelist and geo advocate at Esri, focusing on ways to broaden access to geographic information and helping customers succeed with ArcGIS. On a good day I'm making a map, on a great day I'm on one. Email or connect on LinkedIn (


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