ArcGIS Living Atlas

Environment Map Updates

In the Living Atlas, many of the layers are updated with the most recent data annually and sometimes more frequently. In many cases, those updates occur behind the scenes, so as not to disrupt the availability and reliability of the layers. However, some data updates require us to replace existing layers with new ones. When this happens, the old items are removed from the Living Atlas, and eventually retired. On December 31, 2019, we plan to retire 68 layers formerly part of the Environment category of the Living Atlas. Below you will find a list of those 68 items, along with their comparable replacements. If you have maps or apps that connect to these layers, you should update them as soon as possible and before December 31, 2019.

Mature Support Item New Item
Land Raster Image Services USA Protected Areas (Mature Support)  USA Protected Areas
USA Unprotected Areas (Mature Support)  USA Unprotected Areas
USA Wilderness Areas (Mature Support)  USA Wilderness
USA Native American Lands (Mature Support)  USA Native Lands
USA Historic Sites (Mature Support)  USA Historic Sites
USA USFWS Lands (Mature Support)  USA Fish and Wildlife Service Lands
USA USFS Lands (Mature Support)  USA Forest Service Lands
USA NPS Lands (Mature Support)  USA National Park Service Lands
USA BLM Lands (Mature Support)  USA Bureau of Land Management Lands
USA All Federal Lands (Mature Support)  USA Federal Lands
USA NLCD 2006 (Mature Support)  USA NLCD Land Cover 2006
USA NLCD Land Cover 2011 (Mature Support)  USA NLCD Land Cover 2011
USA NLCD Land Cover Change 2006-2011 (Mature Support)  USA NLCD Land Cover Change 2006-2011
USA NLCD Impervious Surfaces 2011 (Mature Support)  USA NLCD Impervious Surface 2011
USA NLCD Impervious Change 2006-2011 (Mature Support)  USA NLCD Impervious Surface Change 2006-2011
USA NLCD Tree Canopy Cover 2011 (Mature Support)  USA NLCD Tree Canopy Cover 2011
USA NLCD Landscape (Mature Support)  USA NLCD Land Cover 2011
Land Map and Feature Services
USA Wilderness Areas (Mature Support)  USA Wilderness
USA Native American Lands (Mature Support)  USA Native Lands
USA Historic Sites (Mature Support)  USA Historic Sites
USA USFWS Lands (Mature Support)  USA Fish and Wildlife Service Lands
USA USFS Lands (Mature Support)  USA Forest Service Lands
USA NPS Lands (Mature Support)  USA National Park Service Lands
USA BLM Lands (Mature Support)  USA Bureau of Land Management Lands
USA All Federal Lands (Mature Support)  USA Federal Lands
Soil Map and Feature Services
USA Soil Map Units 2014 (Mature Support)  USA Soils Map Units
USA Soil Map Units 2011 (Mature Support)  USA Soils Map Units
Soil Raster Image Services
USA Soils Hydrologic Group (Mature Support)  USA Soils Hydrologic Group
USA Soils Drainage Class (Mature Support)  USA Soils Drainage Class
USA Soils Hydric Classification (Mature Support)  USA Soils Hydric Class
USA Soils Available Water Storage (Mature Support)  USA Soils Available Water Storage
USA Soils Water Table Depth (Mature Support)  USA Soils Water Table Depth
USA Soils Flooding Frequency (Mature Support)  USA Soils Flooding Frequency
USA Soils Runoff (Mature Support)  USA Soils Runoff
USA Soils Erosion Class (Mature Support)  USA Soils Erosion Class
USA Soils Erodibility Factor (Mature Support)  USA Soils Erodibility Factor
USA Soils Erosion Hazard Forest Roads (Mature Support) USA Soils Erosion Hazard Forest Roads
USA Soils Crop Production (Mature Support)  USA Soils Crop Production
USA Soils Range Production (Mature Support)  USA Soils Range Production
USA Soils Frost Free Period (Mature Support)  USA Soils Frost Free Period
USA Soils Farmland Class (Mature Support)  USA Soils Farmland Class
USA Soil Loss Tolerance Factor (Mature Support)  USA Soils Loss Tolerance Factor
USA Soils Corrosion Steel (Mature Support)  USA Soils Corrosion Steel
USA Soils Corrosion Concrete (Mature Support)  USA Soils Corrosion Concrete
USA Soils Initial Subsidence (Mature Support)  USA Soils Initial Subsidence
USA Soils Total Subsidence (Mature Support)  USA Soils Total Subsidence
USA Soils Bedrock Depth (Mature Support)  USA Soils Bedrock Depth
USA Soils Albedo (Mature Support)  USA Soils Albedo
Critical Habitat Map and Feature Services
USA Critical Habitat (Mature Support) USA Critical Habitat
USA Critical Habitat 2014 (Mature Support) USA Critical Habitat
Critical Habitat Raster Image Services
USA Critical Habitat (Mature Support) USA Critical Habitat Final
USA Critical Habitat Final 2014 (Mature Support) USA Critical Habitat Final
USA Critical Habitat Proposed 2014 (Mature Support) USA Critical Habitat Proposed
USA Critical Habitat West Indian Manatee (Mature Support) USA Critical Habitat West Indian Manatee
USA Critical Habitat Northern Spotted Owl (Mature Support) USA Critical Habitat Northern Spotted Owl
USA Critical Habitat Marbled Murrelet (Mature Support) USA Critical Habitat Marbled Murrelet
USA Critical Habitat Delta Smelt (Mature Support) USA Critical Habitat Delta Smelt
USA Critical Habitat Coho Salmon (Mature Support) USA Critical Habitat Coho Salmon
USA Critical Habitat Chum Salmon (Mature Support) USA Critical Habitat Chum Salmon
USA Critical Habitat Chinook Salmon (Mature Support) USA Critical Habitat Chinook Salmon
USA Critical Habitat California Condor (Mature Support) USA Critical Habitat California Condor
USA Critical Habitat Bull Trout (Mature Support) USA Critical Habitat Bull Trout
USA Critical Habitat Peninsular Bighorn Sheep (Mature Support) USA Critical Habitat Peninsular Bighorn Sheep
USA Critical Habitat Atlantic Salmon (Mature Support) USA Critical Habitat Atlantic Salmon
USA Critical Habitat Sockeye Salmon (Mature Support) USA Critical Habitat Sockeye Salmon
USA Critical Habitat Mexican Spotted Owl (Mature Support) USA Critical Habitat Mexican Spotted Owl
USA Critical Habitat Desert Tortoise (Mature Support) USA Critical Habitat Desert Tortoise
USA Critical Habitat American Crocodile (Mature Support) USA Critical Habitat American Crocodile

About the author

Project Manager for the ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World Environment Team


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