ArcGIS Blog

Sharing and Collaboration

ArcGIS Configurable Apps

Who’s Ready for a Makeover?

By Stacey Triche and Matt Driscoll

The Social Media Template, a popular web application template on ArcGIS Online, has been redesigned, made responsive and given a new name. Introducing: the Public Information template (hold applause).



Big difference, huh? This is a fully configurable template that allows you to create your own unique web mapping applications.

Overall, we’ve made a simpler, more usable mapping application. We have moved the drop down menus into a side panel that can be collapsed to accommodate different screen sizes. You can add a short summary of your map and drive users to areas of interest through map notes and bookmarks.  Layers can be turned on or off and social media layers can be configured.

Mobile Sized

Esri’s Disaster Response Program uses this template to create applications highlighting wildfires, hurricanes, severe weather, flooding, and earthquakes. An example of a customized Public Information template is our Severe Weather map.

Social Media

Are you as excited as we are with the new look? We would like your feedback on the new template! Please send us your comments.

Happy Customizing!

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