ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro update is now available

New version of ArcGIS Pro – Feb 2023

ArcGIS Pro has just released and the latest version is filled with a host of productivity and performance improvements to keep you mapping, editing, analyzing, managing, and sharing.

A large amount of the new and improved tools in this release have come directly via requests from the professional GIS user community and are intended to make your workflows come together in better harmony.

Easier access to documentation and resources from within the software will help you stay focused on your work while learning new skills and discovering new features.

As with every update to ArcGIS Pro, there is a full menu of interesting, new things to explore. To review the entire list and dive deeper into each new feature, please visit the what’s new section of the ArcGIS Pro documentation.


Productivity Tools

To help improve your productivity, we have added a variety of new features. These include context menu access keys, sticky size and location for dialog boxes, a computer tab in the Catalog pane and view, and the most beloved productivity enhancements of all — new keyboard shortcuts

New application management settings are also available in ArcGIS Pro to make it easier for managers to deploy ArcGIS Pro to multiple users with organization-specific standards, and with focused settings if needed.


Mapping and Visualization

New mapping and visualization features include — Time Enabled Scene Layers, Range Duration, Preferred time zone, Fixed Time Extent, Duplicate Layout option to resize elements, Area of use under any Coordinate System, Magnifier Window for 2D maps, Catalog Layers, Scale-based label sizing, feature drawing order, Import Symbol layers and, Fill angle alignment.


3D buildings
3D buildings rendered at different time periods

Analysis and Geoprocessing

You can adjust how field lists display using the menu next to every field parameter in geoprocessing tools. In addition, you can visualize and customize network dataset symbology based on the restriction status. We have also added a Model View toolbar within each model view, Nearest Neighbor 3D, and Hot Spot Analysis Comparison. Lastly, Geoprocessing tools that consume ArcGIS credits will display an error banner if the estimated credits exceed the available credits.


Field list settings menu in ArcGIS Pro
Field list settings menu

Geodatabase Enhancements

Read the geodatabases blog.



Are you interested in building your own add-in or custom configurations? The ArcGIS Pro SDK allows you to build onto ArcGIS Pro with your own unique tools and workflows.

Read about what’s new for developers.


Moving from ArcGIS Pro 2.x

Still using ArcGIS Pro 2.x? Visit these resources to make sure your update process is as smooth as possible.

Migrate from 2.x to 3.x.



About the author

Born in the desert, raised in the mountains, and became a Golden Shellback while serving at sea. I lead a team of highly skilled and extremely productive marketing professionals. Our mission is to help you reach your success.


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