ArcGIS Solutions

What’s New in the Summer 2020 ArcGIS Solutions Releases

This summer (July/August), we released a collection of eleven new solutions, including a series of new coronavirus (COVID-19) back to work offerings, our first racial equity solution, new utility data management solutions, several operations solutions for states National Guards, and a new set of special event solutions for local governments. We have also made enhancements to eight solutions and changed the lifecyle status to fourteen of our solutions.

New ArcGIS Solutions and the ArcGIS Solutions app

In June, we released the ArcGIS Solutions App, a new way to quickly deploy ArcGIS Solutions to your organization.  This application helps you quickly discover and deploy ArcGIS Solutions in your organization. Designed to make deploying ArcGIS Solutions easier, you can browse the collection of solutions, search for a specific solution, or filter the gallery to quickly find a solution. Once you discover the solution you are interested in, the information panel will provide an overview of the solution and an option to deploy it.  Learn more about the ArcGIS Solutions App in this blog post.

Now, a quick summary of the new ArcGIS Solutions we released this summer.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Back to Work Solutions

Coronavirus Site Safety can be used by businesses, educational institutions, and government agencies to create coronavirus (COVID-19) health safety plans for their facilities, sites, and campuses; and monitor the health safety plans as locations reopen.

Graphic image of site safety dashboard

Coronavirus Health Screening can be used by businesses, utilities, and government agencies to conduct coronavirus (COVID-19) health screenings before employees and visitors enter a facility, or location.

Graphic image of health screening dashboard

Utility Data Management Solutions

Gas and Pipeline Enterprise Data Management can be used by gas utilities to maintain vertically integrated gas systems and hazardous liquid pipelines in a Utility Network.  It includes the Utility and Pipeline Data Model (UPDM) and common gas and pipeline data management workflows.

Graphic image of gas and pipelines

Sewer Data Management can be used by sewer utilities to map a sewer system, produce sewer maps, view reports, and continuously improve sewer system data with map notes.

Image of Sewer Editor web application using a web browser.

Special Event Solutions

Special Event Permitting and Operations can be used by local government event coordinators to manage special event permits, protect event attendees, and promote special events occurring in the community.

Graphic image of permitting application

If you are a public safety agency that may not be interested in permitting capabilities, Special Event Operations can be used by public safety event planners to develop safety plans and monitor public safety operations during a special event.

Graphic image of dashboard application with event locations

National Guard and Military Solutions

Operations Management can be used by the states National Guard and other service branches to respond to an event and manage resulting missions.

Graphic image of a dashboard application with maps

Readiness Management can also be used by the states National Guard and other service branches to capture individual and unit force readiness and share authoritative information with decision makers.

Graphic image of a dashboard visualizing force readiness.

Additional Solution Offerings

3D Basemaps can be used to author high-quality 3D base-maps and visualize above-ground and under-ground utilities.

Graphic image of buildings with basemap data overlay

Racial Equity Community Outreach can be used by government agencies to communicate key racial equity initiatives or programs, visualize workforce diversity metrics, gauge public sentiment, and share authoritative information about racial equity with the community.

Graphic image of community website

Recreation Outreach can be used by fish and wildlife agencies and parks and recreation departments to understand key license trends, promote recreation opportunities, and share outdoor amenities with the public.

Graphic image of outdoor recreation website

Updated ArcGIS Solutions

ArcGIS Solutions Lifecycle Changes

ArcGIS Solutions General Improvements


ArcGIS Solutions are free and fully supported configurations for ArcGIS that help you improve operations, gain new insight, and enhance services.

About the author

Jaisha Burr leads the ArcGIS Solutions Enablement team and specializes in user journeys and customer success.


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