ArcGIS Business Analyst

App Config using MDM for ArcGIS Business Analyst Mobile App

MDM (Mobile Device Management)  is an industry term for the administration of mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablet computers and laptops. MDM is usually implemented with the use of a third-party product that has management features for particular vendors of mobile devices

There are several MDM Environments available to implement. Not all MDM solutions are alike. They have similar concepts and capabilities, but often use different terms that are specific to their own solution.

You can find the steps involved in configuring different aspects of MDM and how the ArcGIS Business Analyst mobile application can be configured for App Config using MDM. We have taken AirWatch, one of the most popular MDM environments as an example below.

Add a new user

  1. Sign into AirWatch Console as an Administrator
  2. Navigate to the Accounts tab
  3. Select Users
  4. Select List View
  5. Select Add
  6. Select Add User
    Add user
    Add User
  7. In the General tab, complete the required basic user information, select Basic Access for User Role.
  8. Optionally, select the Advanced tab and complete additional user information.
  9. Select Save to save only the new user. Or,
  10. select Save and Add Device to save the new user and proceed to the Add Device page.
    Add/Edit User
    Add/Edit User

AirWatch VMware Docs:


Add a new Device

  1. Sign into AirWatch Console as an Administrator
  2. Navigate to the Devices tab
  3. Select List View
  4. Select Add Device
    Add Device
    Add Device
  5. In the User tab, selecting an existing User and complete all required fields.
  6. Enter the Users email address in the Messaging tab to send an email alert.
  7. Select Save to save the add device request for that user.

AirWatch VMware Docs:


Enroll an iOS Device via Intelligent Hub app

  1. Download and install the AirWatch Intelligent Hub app, click on the appstore link on
  2. Open the AirWatch Intelligent Hub app
  3. Enter the Server address:
  4. Enter the Group ID
  5. Enter your AirWatch Username and Password
  6. Select Next
  7. Select Allow
    Intelligent Hub 1
    Intelligent Hub 1
  8. Select Close and if required select Continue
    Intelligent Hub 2
    Intelligent Hub 2
  9. Select Open Settings
  10. Navigate to General > Profiles > Workspace Services
  11. Select the Workspace Services profile
  12. Select Install to install the profile
    Intelligent Hub 3
    Intelligent Hub 3
  13. Select Install on the warning message
  14. Select Trust to accept remote management
  15. Intelligent Hub 4
    Intelligent Hub 4
  16. Select Done to close the Install profile setting
  17. Select Done to close the install process window
    Intelligent Hub 5
    Intelligent Hub 5
  18. The AirWatch Intelligent Hub will open
  19. Create a Passcode and re-enter Passcode
  20. Select I understand
    Intelligent Hub 6
    Intelligent Hub 6
  21. Select I agree
  22. Check the user account is added and device is enrolled
  23. AirWatch Catalog should now be installed on the Home page
    AirWatch Catalog
    AirWatch Catalog

23. Open AirWatch Catalog to see available apps and install the app from there

AirWatch VMware Docs:


Create an Assignment Group

  1. Sign into AirWatch Console as an Administrator
  2. Navigate to the Groups & Settings tab
  3. Select Assignment Groups under Groups
  4. Select Add Smart Group
    Add Smart Group
    Add Smart Group
  5. Enter a Name for the new group
  6. Choose a group Type (Criteria / Devices or Users)
    For better control and testing purposes, if only specific users and/or devices are needed to be added to a group, select the Devices or Users option
  7. Select the Device or User from the drop-down list of already added devices and users
  8. Select Add to add that device or user to the group.
  9. Select Save to save changes to the new smart group
    Create Smart Group
    Create Smart Group

AirWatch VMware Docs:


Create a Device Profile

  1. Sign into AirWatch Console as an Administrator
  2. Navigate to the Devices tab
  3. Select Profiles & Resources
  4. Select Profiles
  5. Select Add
  6. Select Add Profile
  7. Select a Platform to create the new profile
  8. On the General tab, enter a Name and other optional information
  9. Select a Smart group to assign the Profile to (devices and/or users)
  10. Other than these General settings, need to set at least one more additional Payload from the left catagories, e.g. Lock Screen Message
  11. Select Save and Publish to save the new profile and assign to selected devices and/or users

AirWatch VMware Docs:

Add a Public Application

  1. Sign into AirWatch Console as an Administrator
  2. Navigate to the Apps & Books tab
  3. Select Native
  4. Select Public
    Add Application
    Add Application
  5. Select Add Application
  6. Select the Platform and enter an app Name to search from App Store
    Add Application 1
    Add Application 1
  7. Select the desired app from the App Store list by selecting the Select button
  8. Complete the additional information if required on the Details, Terms of Use and SDK tabs
  9. Select Save & Assign to save the app to the Public app list and assign to devices and users
  10. Select Add Assignment on the Assignments tab
  11. Select the Assignment Groups to assign this app to
  12. Select the App Delivery Method
  13. Set the required Policies for the app by enabling options and setting parameters
  14. Select Add to save the new assignment
  15. Select Save and Publish to save the new assignments for the current app
  16. Review Assigned Devices and select Publish to assign the app to listed devices

AirWatch VMware Docs:

Add AppConfig (portalURL) setting to an Application

  1. Sign into AirWatch Console as an Administrator
  2. Navigate to the Apps & Books tab
  3. Select Native
  4. Select the Internal or Public tab
  5. Select an existing Application oradd a new application via Add Application
  6. On the application summary page, select the Assignment tab
  7. Select Assign to modify or add a new assignment
  8. Select Add Assignment or select an existing assignment to Edit
  9. Select the Assignment Groups to assign this app to
  10. Select the App Delivery Method
  11. Enable Application Configuration to configure AppConfig settings
  12. Enter the Configuration Key of “portalURL”
  13. Select Value Type of “String”
  14. Enter the Configuration Value of “”
  15. Add additional supported AppConfig settings for the app if available using the Add button
  16. Select Add to save the new assignment
    App Config
    App Config
  17. Check the Assignment has Send Configuration Enabled (tick mark)
  18. Select Save and Publish to save the new assignments for the current app
  19. Review Assigned Devices and select Publishto assign the app to listed devices

AirWatch VMware Docs:

Now open your Business Analyst Mobile app that you just installed from AirWatch Catalog app and see that you do not have to enter the url for an enterprise account which you have just configured via AirWatch. You can change this url at any point of time in your AirWatch console and restart the mobile app to get that reflected.

About the author

Geetha Narayanan is the Senior Product Engineer for ArcGIS Business Analyst Mobile apps. She has been with Esri since 2007 and dipped her feet in almost all the phases of the SDLC. A very passionate and self driven person. In addition to this, she loves traveling and exploring new places.

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