Esri Demographics

What's New in Esri U.S. Demographics (June 2023)

Esri’s 2023 U.S. Demographics include a variety of important updates that reflect the demographic and socioeconomic landscape of the U.S. Not only do the 2023 estimates incorporate the latest available sources and methodology improvements, they also include some new data measures to help users understand socioeconomic status and income inequality more effectively.

What’s New

Esri 2023 U.S. Demographics are available for all standard Census geographic levels (states, counties, census tracts, and block groups) as well as Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs), Designated Market Areas (DMAs), Congressional Districts (CDs), Places, County Subdivisions (CSDs), and residential ZIP Codes. This release reflects new boundaries for Places, DMAs, Congressional Districts, and ZIP Codes.

Esri Updated Demographics represent the suite of annually updated U.S. demographic data that provide current-year and five-year forecasts for more than two thousand demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. New in the 2023 release:

Esri Census Demographics include the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2017-2021 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year data, 2020 Census data, and portions of Census 2010 and 2000 data in 2020 Census geography. New in the 2023 release:

Esri Tapestry Segmentation provides a detailed description of America’s neighborhoods—U.S. residential areas are divided into distinct segments based on their socioeconomic and demographic composition. Neighborhoods with the most similar characteristics are grouped together, and neighborhoods showing divergent characteristics are separated. New in the 2023 release:

Esri Consumer Spending includes details about the products and services that consumers are buying. Data are reported by product or service and include total expenditures, average spending per household, and a Spending Potential Index (SPI). Current-year and five-year consumer spending forecast data are available. New in the 2023 release:

Esri Market Potential provides details about what type of goods, services, and activities consumers use and demand. It includes consumer attitudes on topics such as spending, health, and the environment. The database is based on survey data from MRI-Simmons and provides the expected number of consumers and a Market Potential Index (MPI). New in the 2023 release:

Esri Business Summary summarizes businesses for specified North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) summary categories by geography and includes total number of businesses, total sales, and total number of employees. New in the 2023 release:

Get Started

Esri U.S. Demographics are accessible in various ways from Esri…

ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Business Analyst

ArcGIS Platform

Reports and Data

About the author

Lucy Guerra has over 20 years of experience as a product manager, working with organizations to understand their business challenges and shaping products to address those challenges. She focuses on enhancing the user experience with quality data, and leads a team focused on bringing to market, and driving awareness of, Esri's data and location services.

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