ArcGIS Experience Builder

What's New in ArcGIS Experience Builder (June 2022)


The June 2022 release for ArcGIS Experience Builder introduces many new features to help you easily build no-code and low-code web apps and pages. We’ve added three new widgets—Print, Timeline, and 3D Toolbox. In addition, the new Utility service panel allows you to add and manage services that enable printing, geocoding, routing, and more. Other highly anticipated improvements include resetting all filters to their original states, and customizing symbols for the Show on map action. Let’s explore the features.


With the Print widget, you can preview your map’s printed extent before you print. In the example below, the highlighted area shows the extent that would appear in the print result. The highlighted area appears when the Preview print extents box is checked. You can set the printed extent using the map’s current extent or current scale, or by providing a specific scale.

Preview printed extents

When you click Print, a dot shows on the right of the Print result tab, indicating that a new printout is available.

Print out

View large image

In the widget’s configuration settings,  you can modify or delete a default print template or add a new one from the printing service you choose.

You can also choose from two modes—Classic and Compact. With the former, you can decide to make advanced options, such as Include legend, Title, Print quality, Output spatial reference, and more, available for users to customize.

Compact mode


With the Timeline widget, you can see how data changes over time on a map, list, and more. Use cases include hurricanes, population migrations, environment change, and wildfire or flood event progression.The widget requires temporal and time-enabled data and works with or without the map.

Timeline widget

In addition to settings like start time, end time, time step, you can configure the time animation to play automatically when the widget loads.

3D Toolbox

The 3D Toolbox widget adds 3D effects and analysis tools to web scenes. Currently, the widget supports daylight, weather, shadow cast, and line of sight tools. You can choose which tools to include and further configure them.

Line of sight determines sight lines from an observer point and target points as shown below. Green lines indicates what the observer can see, while red lines indicate where sight lines are obstructed. Unlike the rest of the tools, Line of sight does not provide any settings.

Line of sight

Daylight illuminates the scene with simulated real-world sunlight and shadows.


Weather adds atmospheric effects for Sunny, Cloudy, Rainy, Snowy, or Foggy weather.

Weather with snow cover

Shadow cast displays the cumulative shadows of 3D features based on sunlight for a given date and time. Useful in fields such as architecture or urban planning, the tool provides three visualization modes—Areas above threshold, Total shadow duration, and Discrete shadows.

Shadow cast

Noted that terrain does not cast shadows, and therefore is not taken into account by the tool.

Utility Service

The new Utility service panel allows you to add services that enable printing, geocoding, routing, geoenrichment, and geometry. You can add utilities by entering service URLs or selecting items. Like the Data panel, these services are shared and managed at the app level, and therefore can be used by any applicable widgets.

Utility service

Major Enhancements


Many of you have been asking for the ability to reset filters to their original states. This now has been added to the filtering capability. You can use it with the Filter widget as shown below, or with widgets that include a filter tool, such as List.

Reset filters
Reset filter option


When you try to find a place on the map and make the Search widget announce the Record created message, the Map widget listens to it and responses with the Show on map action. You can now customize the symbol for the Show on map action. You can choose the symbol’s style, color, and size so it displays nicely on the map.

Map Layers

You can now choose whether to show or hide labels for each applicable layer. If a layer is an item, clicking Details opens the layer’s item page.


In addition to a page, you can now set a link for search results to open a specific window or view, and even scroll to a block or the top of the current scrolling page.

Display search results on Window or View

For locator sources, you can now choose one or more fields to display in the search result panel.

Display more fields in the result for locator sources


To highlight interesting values, you can add an auxiliary guide to the chart. You can also choose the alignment of the value label position for bar and column charts. The example below shows an auxiliary line with $30,000 income and the value label aligned in the middle of each bar.

Auxiliary guide and alignment

Here is how you configure them.

Configure auxiliary guide and label alignment

Additionally, you can calculate statistics by median.

Show statistics by median


By default, the Survey widget no longer automatically refreshes after users submit responses, meaning you can display a thank you or more information screen. If you want to configure auto-refresh to allow users to submit multiple responses, go to the Survey123 website to turn it on.


You now can save a route as a Route Layer item in My content.

Save the route to an item

Floor Filter

The Floor Filter widget is now out of beta.

Business Analyst Infographic(beta)

More options are available in the Business Analyst Infographic (beta) widget such as printing , exporting to HTML and Excel in addition to Image, viewing the infographic in a fullscreen mode, and  disabling page zoom. Additionally, the new Update infographic button allows you to apply any and all changes at once in the widget’s settings.

Print and export in BA

Subscriber Content

When you publish a web experience or template that you own, if you added subscriber content as a utility service (like routing below), you’ll be prompted to authorize public access via your account.

Utility service as subscriber content


New templates include five page templates—Route, Gear, Showcase, Events, Sketchbook—and one window template—Steps.

In addition, on the Insert widget panel, widgets such as Branch Version Management and Utility Network Trace now have an icon and ToolTips to indicate that they require additional subscriptions.

Additional subscription icon

For more information, see What’s new in Experience Builder.Please reach out to with questions.

Thank you,

The ArcGIS Experience Builder Team

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About the author

Product manager for ArcGIS Experience Builder and ArcGIS Web AppBuilder. During her 20+ years with Esri, she has worked on various products—from desktop to web-based software and from developer technology to no-code app builders. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking and camping.

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