Field Operations

Explorer for ArcGIS Beta Updated

UPDATE: This beta program has concluded. Explorer for ArcGIS 17.1.0 on iOS has been released. Read the announcement.

Explorer for ArcGIS (iOS), currently in beta, has a new beta update. This update builds on our initial beta, which you can read more about. The update includes improvements in 5 main areas:

Related tables in pop-ups
Related tables in pop-ups
  1. Popups
    We are particularly excited about this update because it brings to life one of our most requested features: related tables. You can now view related tables through pop-ups in both online and offline maps (web maps and mobile map packages [MMPKs], respectively). You’ll also see additional pop-up improvements. This includes support for attachments, which weren’t supported in earlier betas although they were in previous final releases.
  2. Map Viewing
    Another common request? Labels. And yes, they are supported now. They were with the first beta. But now arcade expressions are supported in labels, allowing you to create the labels you need on your maps.
  3. iPad User Experience
    Side panel and split screen
    Side panel and split screen

    In our last beta release, tapping the map or searching for a feature slid a panel from the bottom of the screen on both iPads and iPhones. In this update, the panel now makes better use of your screen on iPads and is fixed to the side of the screen. You can now use the app side-by-side with other apps you are working in, as we now support split screen view.

  4. Finding your features
    Remember how this beta is all about bringing Explorer to the field? Well, this update gets us closer, bringing a compass mode that helps you walk to and locate a feature or dropped pin. This complements the driving directions that were part of the previous beta.

    Compass mode
    Compass mode
  5. Stability
    For those of you already participating in the beta program, thanks for all your feedback and keep it coming. We’ve fixed a number of bugs with this update, including some crashes, markup issues, and popup problems, that you were key in helping us identify and track down.

For those of you waiting to join the beta program, this is a great time to do so, with more functionality coming to your iPads and iPhones. Email with your contact information and the platform you would be interested in beta testing (iOS or Android). You’ll also want to join our Beta GeoNet Group.

While the beta is still iOS-only, look for it to come to Android devices this month.

Watch our beta videos to learn more about the new killer features coming to Explorer:

About the author

Kylie strives to bring GIS to K-12 classrooms. A long-time Esri employee, she previously worked on Esri's field operations, focused on documentation and best practices. She is an avid runner often found on the trails or chasing her children.


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