ArcGIS Blog


ArcGIS Living Atlas

Throwing Shade: Gallery

By John Nelson

Here is a quick gallery of hillshade images created in ArcGIS Pro using the (continually and recently updated) Terrain image service and the Traditional Hillshade raster function. If you would like to learn how they were made (mega simple) and give it a go for yourself or your customer, here’s a how-to.

In the meantime, enjoy the wonderful texture of our beautiful shared home…

Aquinnah, Massachusetts
Basel, Switzerland
Canyonlands National Park, Utah
Southern Dead Sea, Jordan Rift Valley
Denali, Alaska
Great Glen Fault, Scotland
Maui, HI
Manicouagan Crater, Quebec
Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Olympic Peninsula, WA
Panama Canal
Tasman Bay, NZ
Walensee, Switzerland

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