
Arc Hydro Groundwater: GIS for Hydrogeology book now available from Esri Press

A new book, Arc Hydro Groundwater: GIS for Hydrogeology, is now available.

The book describes in much detail the Arc Hydro Groundwater
data model and provides an insight on the different components of the
data model and how they can be used to represent hydrogeologic data and
support visualization and analysis.

You can find more details (including a sneak peak) on the Esri Press website.

We hope you find the book useful and a good read.

 Arc Hydro Groundwater cover

















Cover photo by Yory Frenklkh, courtesy of Shutterstock

*For more information on Arc Hydro Groundwater check out the Hydro Resource Center’s Groundwater page and Aquaveo’s Arc Hydro Groundwater Wiki.

Special thanks to Gil Strassberg for providing the post. Questions for Gil: gstrassberg@aquaveo.com

About the author

Project Manager for the ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World Environment Team

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