
July Water Meetings are just around the corner!

Please join Esri’s Water Practice in San Diego the weekend before the User Conference. We are hosting two water focused meetings. Pick one or both. See you in San Diego!

The Water/Wastewater Meeting will include presentations by

The Water Resources Meeting attendees will hear from

Meetings are FREE but high value. They’re your opportunity to connect with Esri staff and find out how similar organizations are using GIS to meet modern challenges with technology strategy.

Water/Wastewater Meeting – Register

Water Resources (ArcHydro) Meeting – Register

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me: ccampbell@esri.com

About the author

Christa is an experienced water industry professional with 20 years of success using and promoting technology to solve problems in the water industry. Recognized for Industry thought leadership, strategic thinking, and building success with organizations across the globe. She is a passionate GIS advocate, lifelong learner and collaborator. Builds success jointly with teammates, peers, and customers. Christa is a certified GIS Professional and holds a graduate degree in Geography.

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