
New Arc Hydro Groundwater Release + Adding Geophysical Plots to Cross Sections

by Gil Strassberg, Aquaveo

AquaveoA new release (3.2.0) of the Arc Hydro Groundwater (AHGW) tools is now available. You can download the new version from the Aquaveo website, or read about the new features on the AHGW Wiki.


Some of the new tools available are:

One of interesting new features is a new wizard for adding borehole images (e.g. geophysical plots) to cross sections. In a previous post we discussed the ability to create 2D cross sections describing the subsurface using the Subsurface Analyst tools.

With the new wizard you will be able to add existing borehole images to cross sections in ArcMap.

Cross section
Cross section data frame with a registered borehole image showing down-hole geophysical plots.

The process of adding a borehole image to a cross section includes identifying the borehole to which the image is related, selecting a cross section on which the image will be projected, and referencing the image vertically. The new Add Borehole Image Wizard makes it easy to perform the registration and to view the geophysical data on top of other information shown in the cross section.

Add Borehold Image Wizard
The Add Borehole Image Wizard makes it easy to register borehole images and add them to cross sections in ArcMap.

Special thanks to Gil Strassberg (gstrassberg@aquaveo.com) for contributing this post. Additional information can be found on the Aquaveo website (www.aquaveo.com/archydro).

About the author

Project Manager for the ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World Environment Team

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