ArcGIS Utility Network

Utility Network is now on ArcGIS Runtime 100.6

You guys asked, and we delivered.

We have been working hard on bringing the utility network capabilities to your devices via ArcGIS Runtime. I’m pleased to say that the first cut of the utility network API is now available on ArcGIS Runtime 100.6. In this blog post we will discuss what’s new in ArcGIS Runtime 100.6 API  with regards to utility network. We will go through a few code samples from different programming languages that the ArcGIS Runtime supports such as .NET, IOS-Swift, Qt and Android-Java. Finally we will discuss what’s coming for future releases.

This blog assumes you know the basics of the utility network, to learn about more visit our core help page here.

What’s new for utility network in ArcGIS Runtime 100.6?

In ArcGIS Runtime 100.6 we support the ability to open a feature service that has a utility network through services only, read the metadata and perform connected tracing. We will go through both of these features in detail.

Reading utility network metadata

We have added the ability to open a feature service containing a utility network from runtime and read its metadata such as network sources, asset groups, etc. This allows developers to access the utility network properties and use this to build interesting generic mobile applications and frameworks that works with any utility network out there.


Here is a snippet of how to open a utility network using ArcGIS Runtime for .NET

//The feature server url of a feature service that has a utility network.
string url = "";
//create a utility network object and pass in the url. 
var utilitynetwork = new UtilityNetwork(new Uri(url));

//This will attempt to load the utility network meta data and open the associated network sources and feature tables.
await utilitynetwork.LoadAsync();

//print the version of the utility network (2)

The following metadata is available for 100.6 which can be accessed through the utility network definition object. We are continuing to add additional utility network metadata to future releases of ArcGIS Runtime.

Here is a snippet of how to work with network sources using ArcGIS Runtime Swift

// Get the network definition object.
let utilityNetworkDefinition = utilityNetwork.definition

// Print the number of sources (8).
print("The utility network has \(utilityNetworkDefinition.networkSources.count) network source(s).")

// If you know the name of the class you can call networkSource(withName:).
if let structureLineClass = utilityNetworkDefinition.networkSource(withName: "Structure Line") {
        print("The Structure line class name is '\(' and has id \(structureLineClass.sourceID)")

// If you don't know the name of the source you can use the sourceUsageType.
// Note: you might get multiple results for certain usage types if you have more than 1 domain network.
if let structureLineClass = utilityNetworkDefinition.networkSources.first(where: { $0.sourceUsageType == .structureLine }) {
        print("The Structure line class name is '\(' and has id \(structureLineClass.sourceID)")

Here is a snippet of how to work with asset groups using ArcGIS Runtime Qt

/* Asset Group */
//get the Aerial Support asset group
UtilityAssetGroup* aerialsupportAssetgroup = structurelineClass->assetGroup("Aerial Support");
//print the subtype code (103)
qDebug() << QString("Subtype code of %0 is %1").arg(aerialsupportAssetgroup->name(), aerialsupportAssetgroup->code());

Here is a snippet of how to work with asset types using ArcGIS Runtime Qt


/* Asset Type */
//get the first asset type that supports being a Structure.
const auto assetTypes = aerialsupportAssetgroup->assetTypes();
auto structureAssettypeIt = std::find_if(assetTypes.cbegin(), assetTypes.cend(), [](UtilityAssetType* assetType) -> bool
  return assetType->associationRole() == UtilityAssociationRole::Structure;
qDebug() << QString("Asset type %0 code %1 supports being a structure").arg((*structureAssettypeIt)->name(), (*structureAssettypeIt)->code());

We also support additional properties as follows.

Connected tracing with services through starting points and barriers

For release 100.6 we have also added the ability to run connected tracing through a feature service that supports a utility network. You can place starting points, barriers and call the connected trace to have the server return the trace results as feature elements.

Here is a snippet of how to perform a connected trace on a utility network using ArcGIS Runtime for Java

/* Connected Trace */
//We want to place starting point and barrier on two well known features on naperville
// The starting point is a load side of a circuit breaker, three phase with globalId {B8493B23-B40B-4E3E-8C4B-0DD83C28D2CC}
// The barrier is on a line with globalId  {95F1FD0E-CD70-4020-9CC6-FA76D21A6AC4}
//build the starting point

UtilityNetworkSource deviceClass = utilityNetworkDefinition.getNetworkSource("Electric Distribution Device");

UtilityAssetType circuitBreakerAssetType = deviceClass
        .getAssetGroups().stream().filter((ag -˃ ag.getName().equals("Circuit Breaker"))).findFirst().get()
        .getAssetTypes().stream().filter((at -˃ at.getName().equals("Three Phase"))).findFirst().get();

UtilityTerminal loadTerminal = circuitBreakerAssetType.getTerminalConfiguration()
        .getTerminals().stream().filter((ut -˃ ut.getName().equals("Load"))).findFirst().get();

UtilityElement startingPointElement = utilityNetwork.createElement(circuitBreakerAssetType,

//build the barrier
UtilityNetworkSource lineClass = utilityNetworkDefinition.getNetworkSource("Electric Distribution Line");
UtilityAssetType mvAssetType = lineClass
        .getAssetGroups().stream().filter((ag -˃ ag.getName().equals("Medium Voltage"))).findFirst().get()
        .getAssetTypes().stream().filter((at -˃ at.getName().equals("Underground Three Phase"))).findFirst().get();
UtilityElement barrierElement = utilityNetwork.createElement(mvAssetType,

//build trace parameters
UtilityTraceParameters traceParameters = new UtilityTraceParameters(UtilityTraceType.CONNECTED, Collections.singletonList(startingPointElement));

//run the trace and get the result
ListenableFuture<List<UtilityTraceResult˃˃ traceResultFuture = utilityNetwork.traceAsync(traceParameters);
traceResultFuture.addDoneListener(() -˃ {
  try {
    List<UtilityTraceResult˃ traceResults = traceResultFuture.get();
    //You get a array of results since it is possible to get multiple results such as functions, elements.
    UtilityElementTraceResult elementTraceResult = (UtilityElementTraceResult) traceResults.get(0);

    //print the trace result (239)
    System.out.println(String.format("Trace successful returned %d elements", elementTraceResult.getElements().size()));

  } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {

The following series of gifs, is a demo of the connected trace authored with ArcGIS Runtime on .NET

In this animated gif, we place a starting point on a line and you can see that we detect where exactly we clicked on the line, then we place a barrier on another line and then run a connected trace.

Utility network connected trace
Utility network connected trace start from line

In this animated gif, we place a starting point on a device that has multiple terminals (Source and Load) and we actually place the starting point on the load side. We place a barrier on a line feature and run the trace. Notice that we are getting upstream result, this is something we will fix next.

Learn more about terminals here.

utility network connected trace
utility network connected trace start from a terminal

In this animated gif, we prevent upstream features from being selected by placing a barrier on the source side terminal so the trace doesn’t select the substation features.

Utility Network connected trace stop at terminal
Utility Network connected trace stop at terminal

This interactive connected trace sample provides an example of usage as well.


What’s Next?

We are excited to continue bringing additional utility network functionality to ArcGIS Runtime. For upcoming near-term releases, we are planning to provide the ability to specify trace configuration such as traversability, function barriers, and propagation. We also plan to add additional metadata such as domain networks, tiers, and subnetwork management and much more.


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About the author

Product Engineer at Esri, Author of several GIS books and Software Engineering Content Creator on YouTube and a podcast host.

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