Solution details
Earth Day Network’s Great Global Cleanup: In our latest partnership, GeoMarvel built and deployed an ArcGIS Hub site for Earth Day Network. The website was designed to market Earth Day Network’s Great Global Cleanup, a global effort involving hundreds of thousands of volunteers around the world. The site encourages users to find and participate in cleanups nearby or register a cleanup event for others to join. We leveraged ArcGIS Hub to build the website, which is designed for mobile responsiveness and a smooth user experience. The site has an intuitive navigation to help partners and organizations register for existing cleanups, or create and register a cleanup effort of their own. Everything you need to start your own cleanup initiative is readily available in a single location. Register a single cleanup, or register multiple cleanups at once with the Bulk Cleanups Template. We built the custom Bulk Cleanups Template application in order to ingest bulk file uploads. Rather than creating a single cleanup event, some partner organizations load hundreds of cleanups at once. Our custom application ingests the bulk cleanup template, allowing users to upload information for hundreds of locations. This data can then be read into Survey123 for ArcGIS, the data storage and management system that the site leverages. The Great Global Cleanup website was integrated with Survey123 Connect, the desktop version of Survey123 for ArcGIS. The desktop version allows content owners to take advantage of hidden fields, providing a custom approval process for cleanup events before appearing on the map. We used Web AppBuilder to create a custom popup display within the Find a Cleanup map that enables permissions over which information is viewable to the public. From the design and build leveraging ArcGIS Hub, to survey creation via Survey123 for ArcGIS and a custom display through Web AppBuilder, we were able to create an intuitive, user-friendly web application that is sure to contribute to a great cause.