ArcGIS Configurable Apps

Configure apps with mobile in mind

In 2018, mobile devices accounted for over 50% of website visits.  Mobile devices comprised over 40% of the total time spent online.  If your app is linked or embedded in any news or media site, half your audience could potentially view it on a mobile device.  To accommodate the shift in screen size, we are designing ArcGIS Configurable Apps with a mobile first approach. We design with this question in mind: How will the app look on the smallest screen? In this article we’ll share some tips on how to ensure your app is mobile ready!

  1. Prepare your map
Interactive Legend app viewed on iPhone X.


2. Choose a Configurable App template

Hint: Not seeing all the new apps?…Share the Esri Default with your group gallery. See details here.

Default Configurable App gallery showing 4.x search results

3. Design for the small screen

Media Map configurable app viewed on a mobile device

4. Test your app many times

Then…test again. After creating your map and configuring your app, try the following:

Nearby configurable app viewed on Chrome while simulating iPhone


About the author

Beth is a Product Engineer on the ArcGIS Online team.


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