Esri Redistricting

The 2020 Census data is finally here, let the Redistricting begin!

If you’ve been involved in the Redistricting process, its grueling. Long discussions over each and every change. There are many perspectives to consider and voices to be heard. How will the change impact the neighborhood, the constituents, the people? The decennial census has wide-ranging influence across funding, political representation, demographic influence to name a few examples, and the stakes are high.

The long awaited 2020 Census results are finally here. On August 12, 2021, the United States Census Bureau officially released the 2020 Census results and the P.L. 94-171 Redistricting Data to the states and the public. Esri is currently processing the raw 2020 Census data for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The data processing combines the P.L. 94-171 data tables in different ways to generate demographic sets used in the redistricting process. The data processing takes Esri a few weeks from when the Census data is released to when the demographic sets are complete. Once calculated and compiled, the 2020 Census data is then incorporated into Esri Redistricting for use by government, advocacy groups, and citizens for redistricting.

Esri anticipates the final release of the processed 2020 Census data and the latest Esri Redistricting software release in early September. The upgrade process for Esri Redistricting software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform will incorporate the 2020 Census data for all 50 states in its entirety. The data delivery will be seamless to the user experience, so please look for Esri announcements as the release time approaches.

Because Esri Redistricting on ArcGIS Enterprise is typically purchased for a single state, Esri Redistricting ArcGIS Enterprise customers will receive the latest Esri Redistricting software release and the 2020 Census data for the purchased state, as the state data is processed and tested.

Redistricting is an exciting event that only happens every ten years. Those who have survived Redistricting measure their experience by the number of decades. There is a frenzy in the air to meet deadlines, reach consensus and agreement, and a renewed optimism for all stakeholders. This is my second Redistricting cycle, and I’m excited for the road ahead and to see how negotiations play out. Its official, the 2020 Census results are here, let the Redistricting season begin!

About the author

Elizabeth is a senior technical consultant on the DC Federal Delivery team. She has been with Esri since 2007 and enjoys helping users succeed with ArcGIS and exploring around our nation's capital.

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