ArcGIS StoryMaps

Five tips for sharing your story maps with a broader audience


As enjoyable as it can be to create a story map, usually you’re making it for a reason other than having some good ol’ storytelling fun. There’s likely an audience with which you intend to share your story.

If you want that audience to be as big as possible—but don’t have any budget to put behind promotion—you’ve come to the right place. Here’s a series of short story maps that explain five easy ways to get more eyeballs on your content (without having to spend a dime).

Tip #1: Ponder your promo plan prior to publishing 🤔


Tip #2: Make your story maps’ metadata shine ✨


Tip #3: Conclude your stories with a call to share 📣


Tip #4: Recommend some related reading 📚


Tip #5: Consider a campaign 💡

About the author

Upstate NY transplant. Content creator for Esri's StoryMaps team. Fascinated by how storytelling affects the human brain. Lover of conservation. Overly proud dog mom.


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