ArcGIS Urban

Introducing ArcGIS Urban on ArcGIS Enterprise

Hello ArcGIS Enterprise users! Exciting news: ArcGIS Urban is available on Enterprise for the first time with the release of ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3.

ArcGIS Urban on Enterprise for Windows and Linux offers a secure and compliant solution for organizations to extend the use of their GIS for urban planning. Whether it’s analyzing the impacts of zoning regulation changes or tracking projects in the development pipeline, ArcGIS Urban provides a comprehensive suite of features to support data-driven planning decisions.

Streamline urban planning processes with security and compliance 

ArcGIS Urban addresses a common challenge where planners may not have easy access to relevant GIS data that could help them make faster, data-driven decisions during the planning process.

With spatial data already managed in your Enterprise deployment, such as your own local 3D data and satellite imagery, your planning team can create an accurate and realistic 3D model of your city, town, or region. With that urban model, you can…

Learn more by visiting the ArcGIS Urban website.

Advantages of ArcGIS Urban on ArcGIS Enterprise

Deploying ArcGIS Urban on Enterprise leverages your organization’s performance and scalability capabilities, while providing planning teams with an easier way to access and use GIS data. You can also connect to your own user-managed data sources to be used in ArcGIS Urban. 

Another key benefit is the ability to leverage the existing security infrastructure of your organization’s Enterprise deployment. This is especially important in countries and jurisdictions where data sovereignty laws, like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), are in effect. For more information about the benefits, see ArcGIS Urban on ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3.

Next steps and resources

If you have been waiting to add ArcGIS Urban to your Enterprise deployment, now is the perfect time to take action. Reach out to your account manager or schedule a demo to see how ArcGIS Urban can benefit your team’s specific workflows.

You can also find additional information by checking out the following resources:

Questions? Connect with us on the ArcGIS Urban community page.

About the authors

As a product marketer for ArcGIS Urban, Katie enjoys sharing product announcements and best practices with the Esri community.

Silvia Casas is a Senior Product Manager for ArcGIS Urban at Esri. She has a Master's in Regional and Urban Planning from California State Polytechnic University in Pomona and a Bachelor's in Architecture from Rafael Urdaneta University in Venezuela. She joined Esri in 2004 supporting Professional Services and working on diverse projects focusing on 3D content creation for cities and urban planning initiatives. She now gathers requirements from users, manages the prioritization of the features that will be productized, and supports the development team in the evolution of ArcGIS Urban.

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