The ArcGIS QuickCapture mobile app is the simplest way to collect field observations. It is as simple to use as the camera app in your phone, but so much powerful. With one single tap, information will flow from the field to the rest of your organization.
If you are not familiar with the BIG button user experience of QuickCapture, you can give it a try through the various sample configurations we share through this gallery. Photo inspections, quick asset damage reports, bioblitz and much more! You can also create your own projects from scratch as shown in this tutorial.
In this minor update we have refreshed the QuickCapture designer with a couple of enhancements to make the configuration of your own QuickCapture projects easier. Watch this video for the highlights:
New shortcuts in QuickCapture designer
The top bar in QuickCapture designer now includes new shortcuts to make common configuration options more accessible.
- Preview: Change the preview mode to check what your projects looks like in different form factors.
- Layers: Manage layers in your project to control default device variable mappings, enable oriented imagery or even to add new layers to your project.
- Map: Configure which online or offline map should be used in your project.
- General Settings: Use to configure the background color of your project as well as other project settings such as the photo resolution, accuracy thresholds and others.

New icon gallery
Do you want to add a custom image to buttons in your project? You can now easily upload new images and even select existing icons from a predefined gallery.

Enhanced project template wizard
The QuickCapture designer includes a number of project templates that you can use as starting points from your projects. You can now easily set the data recovery mail and target location (folder) of your new project right from within the template wizard.

Slovak support
Added support for Slovak in both the QuickCapture designer and mobile app. Dobré správy.
What’s coming next
The next update to QuickCapture is scheduled for July 2021. The plan is to enable multiple attachment collection on a single record and also multiple project user inputs. We are also currently working on bringing location tracking capabilities within the QuickCapture mobile app. In that way, will be able to more easily monitor the location of field users and understand where work has been performed. Location tracking right from within ArcGIS QuickCapture, so you do not have to launch the Tracker app separately.
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