
Whats new with ArcGIS Companion 1.2 (September 2018)

ArcGIS Companion v1.2 just went out. We have added some exciting new features and improvements to the app. Here are the highlights of the release:

Invite members to your organization

Members with administrative privileges can now take advantage of adding or inviting members using any of the available options in ArcGIS Online.

Tip: To find add/invite member options, Sign In to the app as an administrator > Open My Org page > Members tab > tap on Add Member to see all the three options.

  1. Add members without sending invitations
  2. Add members and notify them via email
  3. Invite members to join using an account of their choice
ArcGIS Companion - Invite member options

Manage Pending Invites

You can view the number of pending invites in the overview section of the My Organization page. In the Pending Invites page, you can view details of each invitation and optionally resend or delete.

Working with tags

In this release, we have overhauled the look and feel of item tags and how you interact with them.

Tip: Tags are case sensitive.

ArcGIS Companion - Tags

New options for Item settings

Tip: This feature is available in the new settings tab of the content item along with overview, usage, and comments tabs.

ArcGIS Companion - Content Status

Improvements to Group membership requests

Group owners and managers now have the ability to approve or decline pending group membership requests. You will be able to get a quick view of pending membership request count in all of your groups by visiting the My groups page within the list view. For example, the following screenshot indicates that there are 7 pending requests in one of the group.

To view the details of pending requests navigate to the individual group page and tap on the membership requests. In the Membership Requests page you can approve or deny individual membership requests as shown below.

ArcGIS Companion - Group membership requests

We are always working to improve the app for a better user experience. This release provides new features requested by organization admins, as well as other enhancements and bug fixes. Please continue to send your feedback via Esri Support or GeoNet community. We’d like to hear from all sides on what would make the app even more useful for you and your organization.

Did you miss our v1.1 update announcement? You can read all about it here.

About the authors

Group Engineer Manager and Software Development Lead. Story Maps + AppStudio + Survey123 + ArcGIS Companion + Esri Labs. Sathya Prasad has been with Esri for 14 years and currently works in the Software Development group. Sathya has spent more than fifteen years in the intersection of software and GIS industry and has extensive experience with Mobile, Web, Social, Spatial and Cloud technologies. Sathya enjoys solving hard problems especially in the GIS and spatial world and coming up with very creative solutions. His background is in both computer science and business education.


Lead Product Engineer working with AppStudio for ArcGIS + ArcGIS Companion. Has been working with Esri for 10+ years. Enjoys working with ArcGIS Runtime and Mobile app development while working on real world GIS & spatial challenges.

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