ArcGIS Pro

Cartography checklists

Making a map can be a time-consuming job. By the time you get to the end, you’ve likely forgotten some of the the things that were important when you started.

Below are a series of checklists that you can use throughout the map-making process to help you stay on track, anticipate problems, consider new solutions, and make the best map possible.


Ask the following questions of your map to determine your map’s objective. This checklist is most useful just before you start mapping, but it’s good to revisit these questions later in the process as well.

For help, see How to make a map: Planning.

Manipulating Data

Ask the following questions of your data to confirm that its format and organization supports your map objective.

For help, see How to make a map: Manipulating Data.


Ask the following questions of your map to confirm that the projection you choose supports your map objective.

For help, see How to make a map: Projections.


Ask the following questions of your map to confirm that its symbology supports your map objective.

For help, see How to make a map: Symbols.


Ask the following questions of your map to confirm that its presentation supports your map objective. Ask these questions as you make your final app or layout, and again when the map is complete.

Explaining the map




For help, see How to make a map: Presentation.

About the author

Heather is a cartographer and artist. She creates resources for the tutorial gallery.

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