ArcGIS Solutions

Utility Data Management Support tools - 2.9.3/3.1.1 Release

We have officially released version 2.9.3/3.1.1 of the Utility Data Management Support (UDMS) toolbox.  This update is mostly bug fixes and performance improvements, but there are a few additions to the tools that I will highlight below. If you are unfamiliar with these tools, start out by reading the following articles:

What’s Enhanced

Batch Trace

Two new capabilities were added to the Batch Trace tool.

Subnetwork Aggregator

One new option was added to this tool.

Change GDB Spatial Reference

Changing the spatial reference of a geodatabase with a Linear Referencing controller dataset is now supported.

Adjust Data Sources

If the maps have a selection set, it is now cleared.  Maps store selection sets by ObjectID.  When moving maps between data sources, there is no guarantee that ObjectIDs are the same for a row.  If selection sets are maintained, it could end up selected the incorrect rows.

What’s Next

Sync C Tables

A new tool that will sync the Asset Group and Asset Type values in the C_Association and C_SubnetworkControllers table to the values of the rows in the domain tables.  This is useful if those values are adjusted during data conversion.

Terminal Contingent Values

A new tool that will assign a Contingent Value to the from/to terminal fields on the line layer and the terminal path on the Device/JunctionObject classes.

Load Asset Package Data

A new tool that will allow you to load data from an asset package to an existing Asset Package or Utility Network.  This will allow you to incrementally load data into your utility network.  This will support loading data into a version too.


We hope you find these tools helpful.  If you find an issue or want to request a new tool, please create an issue in the GitHub repo.

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