ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript

Visualizing change with dot density

Recently, while browsing data in the Living Atlas of the World, I stumbled upon this layer of U.S. census tracts, which contains population data for the United States. The variables nighttime population and daytime population caught my attention. Naturally, I thought “why not try out this data with the DotDensityRenderer using the ArcGIS 4.11 API for JavaScript?”

While exploring various ways to visualize this data, I settled on a few that seemed to work for these attributes:

1. Toggle the visibility of two layers
2. Calculate population growth/decline
3. Compare the populations of residents versus workers

Toggle the visibility of two layers

When taking an initial look at this data, I created two layers and assigned each a DotDensityRenderer using the same dot value (300 people per dot), but with different fields. One referenced the nighttime population field…

Population density of New York City at night. One dot represents 300 people.
Population density of New York City at night. One dot represents 300 people.

The other referenced the daytime population field…

Population density of New York City during the daytime hours of the day. One dot represents 300 people.
Population density of New York City during the daytime hours of the day. One dot represents 300 people.

Adding both fields to the same renderer doesn’t make sense because it would render twice as many dots as needed to represent the actual population. So to compare how population changes from night to day, you can toggle the layers on and off.

You can compare population change by toggling different layers using the same dot value for population.
You can compare population change by toggling different layers using the same dot value for population.

Toggling layer visibility can be effective, but it’s also difficult to discern subtle nuances of the data.

Calculate population growth/decline

Since DotDensityRenderer supports Arcade expressions, I decided to visualize how the population grows (or shrinks) as the time of day transitions from nighttime hours to daytime in a single renderer.

The resulting visualization looks like the following.

Population change in New York City from nighttime to the daytime hours of the day. One dot represents 300 people.
Population change in New York City from nighttime to the daytime hours of the day. Each blue dot represents 300 people that left the area in the daytime and returned at night. Each yellow dot represents 300 people added to the area in the daytime.

I achieved this by setting the following renderer on the layer.

const baseRenderer = new DotDensityRenderer({
  referenceDotValue: 300,
  outline: null,
  legendOptions: {
    unit: "people"
  attributes: [{
    valueExpression: "$feature.DPOP_CY - $feature.TOTPOP_CY",
    color: [255,255,0,1],
    label: "Daytime population growth"
  }, {
    valueExpression: "$feature.TOTPOP_CY - $feature.DPOP_CY",
    color: [ 0,255,255,1],
    label: "Nighttime population growth"

Notice that I actually write two expressions in the renderer’s attributes.

One for population growth in the day time:

// daytime population - nighttime population
$feature.DPOP_CY - $feature.TOTPOP_CY

And one for nighttime population growth; or, in other words, areas that experience population decline during the daytime hours of the day.

// nighttime population - daytime population
$feature.TOTPOP_CY - $feature.DPOP_CY

The DotDensityRenderer doesn’t render dots for negative values. So by changing the order of the fields in the expression, I can visualize growth in the daytime and in the nighttime. All negative values returned from each expression will be excluded from their respective attribute.

Therefore, this configuration will always render only one color of dots per feature. Features with blue dots show areas of population decline in the daytime (or growth in the nighttime). Features with yellow dots show areas of population growth in the daytime. It is also possible that some features don’t render dots at all. This indicates areas where the population doesn’t change at all from nighttime to daytime.

The resulting visualization clearly shows the geographic trend of people commuting from suburbs to places of business, such as downtown areas and areas along major highways.

Daytime population change shows a trend of movement to places of business during the working hours of the day.
Daytime population change shows a trend of movement to places of business during the working hours of the day.

Conversely you could look at it going the opposite direction: areas with blue dots show regions that experience population growth at night.

Population change based on time of day can also be interpreted as movement to suburbs when the working day is over.
Population change based on time of day can also be interpreted as movement to suburbs when the working day is over.

Compare the population of residents versus workers

This led me to create another renderer breaking down the daytime population by residents versus workers.

workersRenderer.attributes = [{
  field: "DPOPWRK_CY",
  color: "#35ff89",
  label: "Worker population"
}, {
  field: "DPOPRES_CY",
  color: "#ff0ad2",
  label: "Resident population"

This creates the following map.

Daytime population in New York City. Each purple dot represents 300 residents. Each green dot represents 300 workers.
Daytime population in New York City. Each purple dot represents 300 residents. Each green dot represents 300 workers.

As expected, you’ll notice the patterns of worker population to resident population roughly follow the same patterns of population change from night to day.

Patterns of population growth/decline in the daytime hours typically correspond with the worker versus resident population in the daytime.
Patterns of population growth/decline in the daytime hours typically correspond with the worker versus resident population in the daytime.

Here are some other interesting areas I found while exploring this data.

Population change from nighttime to daytime in southern California.
Population change from nighttime to daytime in southern California. Areas such as Disneyland are prominent because of the high number of workers in a relatively small tract.
Population change in the San Francisco Bay area. One dot represents 300 people.
Population change in the San Francisco Bay area. One dot represents 300 people. In this region, population growth during the daytime hours tends to shift toward the coastal regions.
Worker and resident daytime population in the San Francisco Bay area. One dot represents 300 people.
Worker and resident daytime population in the San Francisco Bay area. One dot represents 300 people.

Try it yourself! Use the search widget in the top left corner of the app to search for other cities and regions to view how population changes from day to night in your area of interest.

Also, check out some of these other posts to learn more about dot density and the ArcGIS JS API.

To learn about the methodology behind the daytime population data, see the following white paper: Methodology Statement: 2018 Esri Daytime Population.

About the author

Kristian is a Principal Product Engineer at Esri specializing in data visualization. He works on the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript, ArcGIS Arcade, and Map Viewer in ArcGIS Online. His goal is to help developers be successful, efficient, and confident in building web applications with the JavaScript Maps SDK, especially when it comes to visualizing data. Prior to joining Esri, he worked as a GIS Specialist for an environmental consulting company. He enjoys cartography, GIS analysis, and building GIS applications for genealogy.


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