Google, Bing and OpenStreetMap Access Buttons

By Works Consulting LLC

Solution details




Provides a palate of 4 add-in buttons under a General grouping that will appear on the Add-In ribbon when installed. The tools – depending on which button is click-activated – will present the publicly-available Google, Bing, or OpenStreetMap top-down view at the click location in a separately-opened browser tab or window using the same approximate zoom scale as the ArcGIS Pro map. If a click-drag-release mouse motion is used on the ArcGIS Pro window – the Bing StreetSide or Google StreetView terrestrial imagery is retrieved into the browser – when terrestrial imagery is available. The 4th button in the group is the ClipBoard Spot button which presumes that the user has been moving around in any other public-available map service or ArcGIS product and has copied the longitude/latitude values to the clipboard.


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