ArcGIS Business Analyst

What’s coming in ArcGIS Business Analyst (December 2020)

ArcGIS Business Analyst applications help organizations make informed decisions for marketing, resource management, or site expansion. In the upcoming December 2020 release of ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App, Community Analyst, and ArcGIS Business Analyst Mobile App, our team is working to make the apps more secure, enhance analysis outputs, and simplify the sign-in process for the Mobile App. (Please note for those using the on-premises version of the web and mobile app available through ArcGIS Business Analyst Enterprise, the following changes will be included in a future release, tentatively scheduled for March 2021.)

The following includes some of the updates in the end-of-the-year release:


Report sharing

The ArcGIS Business Analyst team is making great headway to achieve Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) certification for the Web App. Cloud security is a major concern for us, as well as for those who use our product. Meeting this certification in the future will ensure that our users are working in an environment that meets the highest standards in cloud security.

While most of the changes to meet FedRAMP requirements do not have immediate impacts to our users, we will be making a few that affect how users share reports. Currently (prior to the December 2020 release), users are allowed to enter an email address where notification of reports can be sent. To make the system more secure, this email address field will be removed. In lieu of this field, you will be able to copy the URL of the report and paste the link directly into an email message or download the reports as zipped files.

Please see below for specific screen changes planned for the upcoming release.

Classic Reports Preferences

There are new features in the Preferences > Reports > Classic Reports page, shown in Screen A below:

Screen A showing Classic Reports preferences
Screen A. New features in Preferences > Reports > Classic Reports page

Run Classic Reports

In the Reports > Run Reports > Run Classic Reports page, the option to send email notifications as reports are ready will no longer be available with the upcoming release (Screen B). Instead, you will have the following options:

Screen B showing Run Classic Reports page
Screen B. Email input field will be removed from the Run Classic Reports page, and a new ability to download zipped files will be added in the new release.
Screen C showing PDF Reports Created dialog
Screen C. New dialog will allow you to copy links to reports created within ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App.

Adding attachments and videos

To make our application more secure, you will no longer be able to add images or videos as URLs. You will continue to add attachments by uploading the files (Screen D).

file upload
Screen D. Adding attachments will be limited to uploading files.

New map option for Void Analysis report

In ArcGIS Business Analyst Web App, you can use the Void Analysis tool to see what types of businesses are lacking in your study area, compared to another region. In the December 2020 release, you will be able to add a map of the analysis area (your study area), the reference area (the region you are using for comparison), or a map that includes both boundaries and businesses within them.

Once you click Export from the Void Analysis workflow and select Export to PDF, you will see the three checkboxes as shown below (Screen E). You can check any of these options for inclusion in your Void Analysis report. (Pro tip: If you are new to Void Analysis, don’t forget the in-app guided tutorials can be launched by clicking your Account Details on the top-right of the screen next to the username, and selecting Guided Tutorials from the dropdown.)

Screen E showing Void Analysis Export Results dialog
Screen E. New checkboxes will allow you to add specific boundaries to your Void Analysis report and map.

Please see below (Screen F) for a sample Void Analysis report with a map that includes the analysis area, reference area, and business locations. Under the Void Analysis Results side panel, you can click the Map Style tab to change the location icon and adjust size and color of the icon to match the types of industries included in the search.

Map showing Void Analysis Report
The December 2020 release will allow you to create a map of your Void Analysis results.

Fingerprint or face recognition setup for Mobile App login

The ArcGIS Business Analyst Mobile App comes in handy when you need to access site and demographic data away from the office. We have streamlined and enhanced security by enabling biometric authentication using face recognition or fingerprints for faster login. Please note that logging in via biometrics will last for up to 90 days before a manual login is required for security reasons.

Screen G showing biometric authentication
Enable fingerprint or face recognition to bypass frequent logins in the Mobile App.

New Esri Thailand data

We currently support data for Thailand, but the new release will include brand-new advanced Esri Thailand data. This new data will include four geography levels, including “subdistricts” to help you get even more granular data than before. The data includes 478 variables (for year 2019 vintage) and comprises topics such as household spending and income, household and population totals, and population by age, education, and occupation.

Screen H showing Esri Thailand data
Use the country picker to select Thailand, and you will see the new Esri Thailand data.

Other data updates

We will also update data for Esri Japan demographics data, USA businesses and traffic, and Michael Bauer Research (MBR) 2020 data updates for Hong Kong, Singapore, and Colombia. To read more about the data updates, please visit the ArcGIS Business Analyst data documentation page.


Additional Resources

We hope you are looking forward to the December 2020 release. Additionally, please visit the following sites for additional information on ArcGIS Business Analyst:


Image source: Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

About the author

Helen Brown is a Senior Product Manager for ArcGIS Business Analyst. She thrives on prioritizing problems and delivering market-level value through scalable, intuitive products.

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